During the MAGA rally for GOP closet case Bernie Moreno near Dayton Saturday, Señor T got himself all worked up and threatened “Now, If I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country.” Let that sink in for a moment.
Is it any wonder that Gallup found that since 2020, people identifying as Republicans decreased (while people identifying as Democrats increased)? Over the last 2 decades voters identifying as independents made up the big growth sector in electoral politics, though most self-identified independents lean towards one party or the other.
Political science professor Todd Landman: “There has been a decline in overall party affiliation over the last 20 years, with a significant rise in independents. Party affiliation is slightly higher on average for Democrats than Republicans, while the combination of strong party identifiers and their leaning affiliates favors Democrats over Republicans. The stakes are thus high for both parties in the runup to the November election, and both parties need to draw from the independents to assure victory. The Biden campaign has so far sought to reach out to these independents, while the Trump campaign appears to be retrenching to the solid base of supporters, which mathematically may be the wrong strategy to win the election.”
Mark Shanahan, another U.K. political science professor believes that Trump is turning people off from party politics. “Trump has been amazingly successful in dominating the Republican Party since his first electoral ride down the escalator in Trump Tower in 2015, not least in making the RNC part of the family business recently. His MAGA base remains large, and largely unquestioning, and guarantees him 30 to 35 percent of the vote come November. But the impact of Trump on politics has been a turn-off for many millions of Americans, and the traditional parties seem weaker, and less of a draw, than for decades. While the Trump GOP has a very strong core, it's not the traditional Main Street Republicans of the pre-Tea Party era. The party now appeals to wealthy beneficiaries of his economic policies as well as to those who've seen themselves on the outside of politics for decades. It's a loose and odd alliance that has lost much of America's center. While Biden will be looking to win these centrist votes, the Democrats have nothing to crow about. Their rather anaemic showing recently has hardly lifted the numbers who consider themselves Dems. While there are fewer staunch Republicans on the scene right now, there's no guarantee at all those votes are set to turn blue. Many right-leaning folk will hold their noses and vote GOP anyway. Many more may just decide to sit out November's opportunity to play their part in the democratic process.”
Yesterday, Axios reported that according the a focus group, Wisconsin swing voters largely blame Republicans— and specifically Señor Trumpanzee— for Congress' failure to pass bipartisan legislation to help improve border security. “If the election were today, most of the participants said they'd choose Biden over Trump.”
There's no plausible reason for Trump to be competitive with Biden. Watch:
"It's a loose and odd alliance that has lost much of America's center. While Biden will be looking to win these centrist votes, the Democrats have nothing to crow about." The assumption that the people who are turned off by the two current political parties must be centrists is laughable. Both parties have been marching steadily to the right since at least Clinton, because the legislative agendas of them both are almost completely captured by wealthy interests.
He hasn't said "bloodbath" in public before, but he's intimated it. Some of his lower accolytes have said it. I guess since you're commenting on it, maybe now you are thinking of believing it?
Maybe I can clue you in... how many died and were maimed on 1-6-2021? And these things, when nothing is done to prevent them in the future, they always just get better on their own?
meantime, at least this is another gift for your side. Now biden can light himself on fire at least one more time and not lose any of you voters. a true political win-win. and for the republic, yet another lose-lose.
and you all will vote for it.
Biden has the rare privilege of being able to greatly enhance his re-election prospects by his own actions at any moment. He could go on national TV tomorrow and announce a halt in American assistance to the IDF pending Israeli entry into a ceasefire with Hamas. The polling #s would visibly move in his direction--overnight.
At minimum, he could quietly tell Bibi that Uncle Sam's Conveyor Belt was being shut down for maintenance until a ceasefire occurred. It wouldn't have the dramatic political benefit that a public announcement would have, but it presumably would lead to a ceasefire that would help Dem prospects.
Instead, Biden & Blinken Back Bibi to the hilt. They consciously pursue policies that are morally bankrup…