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Writer's pictureHowie Klein

Why Do Normal People See Marjorie Traitor Greene As Such A Pathetic Clown?

Is This What Voters In Paulding, Floyd, Catoosa & Whitfield Counties Want?

Yes, yes, too many reasons to count… I just want to add the latest one: her war against beer brands. She bought a case of Coors because extreme right culture warriors decided to cancel Bud because they’re supposedly pro-trans or something. And Coors— what could go wrong? After all, Adolph Coors, the founder, has the magic first name and Coors has a long history being anti-union, racist and, most important, anti-LGBTQ— until they stopped all that and did an about-face. The Nazi who caused all the problems, Joseph Coors, a major GOP mega-donor, whose brother described him as “to the right of Attila the Hun,” died, unlamented outside of Nazi circles, in 2003. Since then, Coors has had a proactively pro-LGBTQ stance, which, apparently, Traitor Greene and her soulmates never heard about.

They’re concerned that Bud (Anheuser-Busch) has gone woke and Coors is… the way it was before Joseph Coors went to hell? Yesterday, James Bickerton reported how the internet is laughing at Traitor Greene again, after she had a fit about Bud Light working with Dylan Mulvaney, a transgender social media activist and influencer. Straight from her epic cat fight with fellow psychopath Laura Loomer, Marge took to Twitter to announce her clueless boycott of Bud and embrace of Coors:

Fred Wellman, host of the 'On Democracy' podcast, replied with a screenshot discussing Coors Light's sponsorship of Denver PrideFest and the Center on Colfax, an LGBTQ+ institution in the Colorado state capital. He added: "Your hate is only topped by your ignorance."
Another Twitter user responded with a 'Coors Light: Refreshingly Proud' poster, celebrating the brand's involvement with the LGBTQ+ community.
It reads: "Coors Light proudly supports national LGBT organizations, including the Matthew Shepard Foundation, Trans Tech, National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC), GLADD, HRC and Out and Equal."
"Coors Light supports dozens of local LGBT sports leagues such as softball and basketball and is a strong advocate for equality in sports through partnerships with North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance (NAGAAA), Gay Basketball Association, Athlete Ally and If You Can Play.
"Coors Light has been committed to supporting the LGBT community for nearly 30 years and continues to champion equality for all."
…Conservative figures who have announced they are boycotting Bud Light include writer Matt Walsh, and podcast host Mike Crispi.
On April 3, Crispi tweeted: "Boycott Bud light and NEVER DRINK IT AGAIN EVER."

Yesterday, Rep Ted Lieu (D-CA) had this to say about Mad Marge's latest little controversy and tantrum: "This week I intend to have a woke kale salad, some woke M&Ms, a woke Bud Light, and a woke Coors Light while reading about Michelangelo’s woke masterpiece, David. Because I’m a proudly woke American."



Apr 12, 2023

Truthiness. It's not the facts it's the feelings. Some people have been getting such a steady diet of outrage under the banner of news, they can't tell truth from emotion.


Apr 11, 2023

normal people see the entire nazi party as pathetically stupid and evil and dangerous and lethal to democracy.

normal people SHOULD also see the democrap party as useless as tits on a buick... but in comparison to nazis... well, that's about as far as they can think.

and, no, in fact the voters in her district think she's the second best "person" in the world. They will all give the one-arm salute enthusiastically when the reich commences. soon.


S maltophilia
Apr 11, 2023

Coors, a subsidiary of Molson, a Canuckistan company. They still make shitty beer, though.

Apr 11, 2023
Replying to

so does bud, a sub of InBev, a Belgian company.

how long would it take that nazi bitch to find a beer made in this shithole that has yet to publicly embrace equality? prolly take a half-idiot about 30 minutes on the google. her? infinity?

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