The Secretaries Of State Elections
Not voting for any Republicans as a rule of thumb is the simplest solution and it’s the one recommended by DWT. However, if you want more of an answer than that, let’s look more closely at the races for secretaries of state. Normally, many voters barely pay any attention to that office and aren’t even clear what a secretary of state does. It’s nothing like what Henry Kissinger or Hillary Clinton did— and the job varies by state. Generally, though, it would be safe to assume that the secretary of state’s office is involved with promoting and overseeing smoothly run, impartial voting. Tomorrow there are 27 states electing secretaries of state who will be playing a role in administering elections in 2024.
Most of the Republicans running for secretary of state are Trumpist election deniers, who should be considered anti-democracy and unfit to hold office. These are the worst and most dangerous on the ballot tomorrow:
Alabama- Wes Allen
Arizona- Mark Finchem
Connecticut- Dominic Rapini
Indiana- Diego Morales
Massachusetts- Rayla Campbell
Michigan- Kristina Karamo
Minnesota- Kim Crockett
Nevada- Jim Marchant
New Mexico- Audrey Trujillo
North Dakota- Charles Tuttle
Ohio- Terpsehore Maras
Vermont- H. Brooke Paige
Wyoming- Chuck Gray
There has been plenty of press about some of them in tight races, like Marchant, Karamo and Finchem, for example— none of whom have any feel for or understanding of the non-partisan nature of the job. But there are even crazier candidates than them… yes Audrey Trujillo (NM) is probably the least qualified person in America running as a major party candidate for the position, less sane than even Karamo.
An independent, far right candidate in Ohio, Terpsehore Maras is a QAnon podcaster and grifter who claims she can time travel and will probably get plenty of votes tomorrow from people too stupid to tie their own shoes without strangling themselves. Or how about North Dakota disinformation yenta, lifelong racist and proven election manipulator Charles Tuttle, also running as a far right independent?
pick 3 of those states, one of which will be AZ. There can even be others not listed (GA and WI almost surely). That's about all it will take to make trump (or desantis) our first nazi fuhrer in 2024. They'll either make the vote count come out the way they want it or will just send fake electors to DC. Democraps will accept whatever the result is (pussies doing what pussies always do) and you'll have your reich.