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Trump, Vance And MAGA... Poisoning Our Country At The Most Intimate Level

Taking Away Women's Right To Vote

This week, my niece started law school. I feel so proud of her. After college she took time off to get a job, get married, establish a home, have children… But now she’s looking forward to the future. Over the weekend she had a barbecue for friends and family and her old college boyfriend was in town. So she invited him. A nice Jewish doctor; what could go wrong? Well…

  • He now lives in Mississippi

  • He still may be Jewish but he’s a Jesus guy now (something like me… but not)

  • He showed up in a red MAGA cap

  • He brought his dog, named DeSantis

My sister should have known better to sit anywhere near him. After a couple of brief exchanges, she moved as far away as she could get. He was adamant that my niece shouldn’t be going to law school because women are supposed to be happiest as homemakers. He also sensed that she was putting too much time and energy into her two young daughters which was taking time and energy away from where it rightfully belonged: with the head of the household, her husband.

I also happened to speak with a neighbor, a close friend, who had a family get together and she was upset because her husband and adult son had a shouting match. The son, a Trumper, wanted to “borrow” money and that led to the argument, not because her husband was opposed to giving their son money per se. It was more about the son donating every cent he gets his hands on to the Trump campaign.

The MAGA disease doesn’t get any closer to me personally than occasional stories like that. More frequently it comes no closer than something I read online, like a post I read at CrooksAndLiars yesterday about MAGAty Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon “outdoing J.D. Vance in the anti-woman department. Webbon does not just want the U.S. to go back to pre-Roe, pre-no-fault divorce days, he wants to go all the way back to 1920 and repeal the 19th Amendment. That’s the constitutional amendment that gave women the right to vote.” Literally... and unlike most Republicans he's saying it out loud— loud, proud and out of his gourd.

This guy clearly has a major problem with women. Last month, C&L reported on Webbon’s prayer “that we would not have female leadership.” That’s part of his desire for Christian power which, he said, means “crushing our enemies and rewarding our friends.”
More recently, Right Wing Watch caught Webbon suggesting that Christians should demand that women lose the right to vote.
“The reason why I have grown to despise democracy is because … everyone is allowed to vote,” Webbon said. “And just for the record, yeah, I think the 19th Amendment should be repealed. I think that because, first and foremost, I'm a Christian and that is the Christian position."
Webbon yammered on to claim that, “The way that God sees humanity is, he breaks them down to families.” So, according to Webbon, taking away women’s votes is not just “elevating the male vote” but is also “elevating the household vote.” Which sounds a lot like J.D. Vance’s “thought experiment” to give parents more votes than single people, but with a generous helping of extra misogyny.
Repealing the 19th Amendment “is not just trying to take away a female vote but is trying to say, no, there’s a family vote,” Webbon continued. Women, he said “get their voice” from their male relatives, i.e. husbands if they’re married or fathers or brothers if single.

And, as for Vance… Trump sold the VP slot to crackpot gay billionaire Peter Thiel who wanted it for Vance. And now Vance is dragging the ticket down, which is kind of OK with Trump in a weird way because now he’ll have him as a scapegoat when the Democrats bury them in November. No way will Trump dump Vance. He’d have to give Thiel back the bribe and when he loses anyway he’d have no one to blame and will go down in history as the ultimate loser, his biggest fear.



Aug 20

Trump already promised that nobody would have to vote after this, last, election. So worrying about women's voting rights will be moot.


Aug 20

Yeah. I kinda thought that gore wanted to lose which is why he picked lieberman.

trump sold his to the highest bidder? shocking!!! cuz he thought he was unbeatable against the wax figure of biden?

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