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Writer's pictureHowie Klein

Trump And MAGA Are In A Fear And Pain Loop Driving His Campaign and Their Miserable Existences

Trump Has Severe Psychological Deformities He Wants To Share With Us All

Trump can’t stop lying and his crazy lying— meant to keep the moron base revved up— is becoming harder and harder to take seriously. Yesterday he was babbling about how he “will shut down all entries through Kamala’s migrant phone app. She’s got a phone app. It’s meant for the cartel heads. The cartel heads call the app, and they tell them where to drop the illegal migrants… It’s not even believable.” The last sentence rings true— it’s not even believable. 

Is this all part of his strategy or has he gone even further off the deep end? Age has taken its toll and no one— other than hard core fascists— wants to see JD Vance in the Oval Office. As Michael Gold reported yesterday, though Señor T “swings wildly from topic to topic at his rallies, veering from tariffs to immigration policy to the problems with electric vehicles… he tends to return to the same apocalyptic message” autocrats always use: fear.

A standard part of his standup routine: “You won’t have a country anymore. You’re pretty close to not having one. You better hope I get elected.” Gold noted that Trump has been farting out this forecast for years as a tool to stir up the MAGAts, he’s “taken his doomsday prophesying to a new extreme, increasing both its frequency and scope. He regularly predicts that if he loses to Vice President Kamala Harris in November, America will be ruined. World War III will break out, most likely prompting a global nuclear catastrophe. There will no longer be an America. Israel will cease to exist. Murderous immigrant gangs will overrun cities, small towns, the state of Colorado and the entire country. Factories will shutter. Farmers will lose their farms. The United States will face an economic ‘blood bath.’ During a speech on Saturday in Wisconsin, Trump declared that immigrants would ‘walk into your kitchen, they’ll cut your throat’ and that ‘your towns, your cities, your country is being destroyed.’ He stopped about 20 minutes in to make light of his dire rhetoric.”

The bullshit may be darker now, but it isn’t substantively that different from what he was flinging at Hillary in 2016 and at Biden 4 years ago. “Trump,” wrote Gold, “has made fear an animating force throughout his political career. In 2016, he stoked tensions around immigration by branding Mexican immigrants as ‘murderers’ and ‘rapists.’[ Sure projection; trumps a serial rapist.] And during his 2020 campaign, he took the same tone as he stirred up concerns over urban crime to try to appeal to white suburban voters. During his third run for the White House, Trump has revived his alarmist predictions and expanded them to the globe. In nearly every speech, Trump cautions that the United States is on the verge of a global war that only he can prevent. Falsely claiming that he presided over an era of worldwide peace, Trump argues that continued Democratic leadership will prolong the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza to devastating effects.

Last week, he raised the specter of an American ground war, falsely telling hundreds of people in North Carolina that President Biden and Harris were ‘not going to be satisfied until they send American kids over to Ukraine’ to ‘die across the ocean.’ … And at most rallies this year, Trump has warned that there will be a calamitous nuclear conflict if he does not win in the fall. ‘You’re going to end up in World War III,’ he said at the Las Vegas rally. ‘You’re going to have a nuclear holocaust if we’re not careful. These people have no idea.’”

His incessant fear mongering taps into deep MAGAty anxieties while creating a sense of urgency to motivate voter turnout. His increasingly dramatic, unverifiable claims and exaggerated, baseless predictions leads most people to question whether this erratic behavior reflects more than just political calculation. The tendency to make alarmist claims that defy reality and shift rapidly from one topic to another is being interpreted by almost everyone as a sign of cognitive instability and decline. All that warnings of impending disaster— whether it's a nuclear holocaust, the collapse of America, or violent immigrants invading homes— is indicative of paranoia and catastrophizing— a cognitive distortion where a person consistently expects the worst possible outcome, often out of proportion to the actual risks. In Trump’s case, he presents doomsday scenarios— never supported by data other than what he pulls out of his ass— with alarming frequency. The fact that he frames himself as the only person who can avert these imagined disasters further feeds into a paranoid worldview, where he perceives the world as constantly on the brink of destruction.

As we’ve been seeing for years, a key trait in Trump’s speeches is his presentation of himself as the sole savior who can prevent these catastrophes. This reflects narcissistic traits, particularly grandiosity, indicating that Trump believes he possesses unique qualities or abilities that set him apart from others. He frequently claims that only he can prevent global wars, economic collapse and societal ruin, despite abundant evidence to the contrary. This reinforces his image as a leader who views himself as exceptional and indispensable.

He’s also suffering from emotional dysregulation— difficulty in managing emotions, often resulting in abrupt changes in tone or focus. His sudden moves from dark apocalyptic rhetoric to sarcastic or humorous remarks about the content of his speeches also point to impulsivity, another hallmark of emotional instability. This inability to maintain a consistent narrative or regulate the emotional tone of his message suggests some cognitive fragmentation, where his thought processes are no longer able to follow a coherent or logical path.

Trump's rhetoric consistently taps into the fears of his audience, a form of his legendary projectionism. Projection is a defense mechanism where individuals attribute their own fears and insecurities to others. In this case, Trump is projecting his own fears of losing power and control onto the public, using fear-mongering as a tool to externalize his anxieties about the future. His consistent return to themes of societal collapse, personal threat, global war reveals deeper insecurities about his own standing and future— like prison— which he amplifies onto the world around him. Many of his claims, such as his repeated false assertion that Democrats want to send American troops to Ukraine to die, or that Israel will cease to exist without his leadership, falls under the category of delusional thinking— fixed false beliefs that are resistant to evidence. His insistence on these scenarios despite a lack of any supporting data suggests that he’s so far gone that he actually genuinely believes them, rather than simply using them as a rhetorical device. This indicates a disconnect from reality, which is often a hallmark of more severe cognitive or psychiatric disorders.

While some of Trump’s rhetoric is certainly tied to psychological instability, some of his behavior is more calculated. What could appear as irrational fear-mongering is part of a manipulative strategy. The cyclical use of fear and exaggerated claims might are a form of emotional manipulation, used to create a sense of dependency among his supporters. By consistently presenting catastrophic futures, he positions himself as the only figure capable of providing safety and stability, thus ensuring loyalty. 



5 days ago

trump is an idiot, but he does seem to be something of a savant at stirring up the limbic among people who are also dumber than shit. w had some of that, but his tactic was being folksy.

a hitler clone, even a retarded one, is far more likely (like 110%) to declare a reich than an affable idiot. Sure wish you all had elected a party with even one ball that had put trump away for good. But you don't/won't.

You all seem to feel like that also... except you refuse to vote for that.

Funny how lots of people can accurately diagnose; define remedies; and yet refuse to actually do anything toward those ends.

5 days ago
Replying to

Right! Got it! Don't vote for democrats. Vote for you Imaginary Playmate Party and bring on the reich the sooner the better!

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