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The NRCC May Have Found George Santos' Lies Funny, But Other Republicans Are Less Amused

Not Embellishments-- Outright Lies

Marjorie Traitor Greene: "I think we Republicans should give George Santos a chance and see how he legislates and votes, not treat him the same as the left is."

It wasn’t just the wealthy Jewish residents of Great Neck, Old Westbury, Muttontown and Manhasset who were deceived into thinking Brazilian MAGAt George Santos was Jewish— instead of just “Jew-ish.” Santos also lied to the RJC, the Republican Jewish Coalition. He didn’t say he was “Jew-ish” when he was trying to get their support. In fact he was just a featured speaker at their Hanukkah celebration. Now they’re using words like “misrepresented” and “deceived.” This was the statement from the RJC’s CEO, Matt Brooks:

In a formal campaign statement about his stance on Israel and Middle East policy, he said very plainly— if poorly expressed— “As a proud America Jew, I have been to Israel numerous times from educational, business and leisurely trips.” That’s a pretty clear statement that he was purposely lying, not misspeaking.

His latest iteration of his ever-changing bio is that he “never claimed to be Jewish. I am Catholic. Because I learned my maternal family had a Jewish background I said I was ‘Jew-ish.’” That’s another outright lie. He wove a whole cockamamie story about his grandparents fleeing to Brazil from the Nazis, although they were born in Brazil— and before Germany had been taken over by the Nazis.

Santos himself has been telling people he was born in the U.S. but he admitted to a colleague that he’s not a U.S. citizen and was actually born in Brazil. Hopefully, the New York Attorney General, who is investigating him, will get to the bottom of that and see which lie is closest to the truth. Meanwhile, Kevin McCarthy, quite conveniently, doesn’t seem to be understanding any of this and he was bragging about Santos being Jewish giving the GOP their biggest Jewish caucus ever. Ted Lieu asked McCarthy to explain himself in light of Santos’ admission that he’s not really Jewish.

And it isn’t just Democrats who are angry at Santos. The congressman-elect from the district next door, Nick LaLota (R-NY) has called for the Ethics Committee to investigate Santos. He issued a statement saying that “House Republicans like me are eager to be sworn in and focus on our Commitment to America and our respective districts. Yet, over the last few weeks I have heard from countless Long Islanders how deeply troubled they are by the headlines surrounding George Santos. As a Navy man who campaigned on restoring accountability and integrity to our government, I believe a full investigation by the House Ethics Committee and, if necessary, law enforcement, is required. New Yorkers deserve the truth and House Republicans deserve an opportunity to govern without this distraction.”

Among the many lies-- education, employment, religion, campaign financing, where he lives, his criminal record, his divorce, a cock'n'bull story about 4 employees who were killed at the Pulse Nightclub, his tax returns, a fake charity he claimed he started but that doesn't exist, his ponzi scheme at Harbor City Capital, his evictions for non-payment of rent (after spurious claims of owning 13 rental properties), shady relations with a Russian oligarch, a 6-figure bribe/straw donation from FTX, his country of birth-- there's one that no one is talking about. He claims that he was at the J-6 coup attempt and insurrection... but his role there is still kind of murky. He tells different people different things about what he did in DC on January 6. Publicly he claims he was just at Trump's rally and that he "knows" Trump won the election, but when he's speaking privately, you'd get the idea that he broke into the Capitol and tried hunting down Nancy Pelosi or AOC. Yesterday, the NY Times reported that McCarthy is refusing to discuss the matter.

Dean Obeidallah: George Santos is the Milli Vanilli of politics. He's is a "self made man" in that he literally made himself up!

If Republican leaders demanded Santos resign— and he did so— it would prompt a special election in a swing seat, a potential blow to Republicans’ already precarious majority. And the incoming congressman had pledged to vote for McCarthy for speaker next week, a critical display of support for the Republican leader, who is facing a mini-revolt on the right and needs every vote he can get.
(Santos appeared to have deleted his entreaty on Twitter posted last week arguing that Republicans “MUST give the gavel” to McCarthy. Representatives for Santos did not immediately respond when asked about the deletion.)
Representatives for House leaders did not immediately respond to requests for comment or offer any statements on the record. Privately, House Republican leadership has appeared to concede that Santos’s situation is problematic, but has justified a lack of public condemnation by making the case that Democrats have their own problematic members.

Watch former fake Democrat Tulsi Gabbard subbing for Tucker Carlson last night ambushing George Santos on Fox. Tulsi has spent her entire life being fanatically anti-LGBTQ. She absolutely shreds Santos in this interview and doesn’t let him tip-toe around her pointed questions. His p.r. catastrophe consultant is telling him to paint himself as heroic for facing up to his mistakes (while minimizing them and continuing to lie— “I’m not a fraud; I’m not a fake”). Tulsi: “If I were one of those in New York’s 3rd District right now, now that the election is over, and I’m finding out all of these lies that you’ve told, not just one little lie or one little embellishment— these are blatant lies— my question is, do you have no shame? Do you have no shame? And the people who are now, you’re asking to trust you to go and be their voice for them, their families and their kids in Washington?” His lies, he said, are "way above the American peoples' heads."



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