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Writer's pictureHowie Klein

The Democrats Can Still Win The Midterms-- If Only They Could Get Rid Of The DCCC

Stanley Greenberg has long been one of the top Democratic Party establishment pollsters. He’s 77 and he’s not some starry-eyed idealistic Berniecrat. In fact, he’s married to Connecticut congresswoman and Pelosi ally Rosa DeLauro... and Rahm Emanuel used to live in their basement. And yet… the 30 second model ad he’s showing Democrats in the video above, sounds lot more like a Bernie Sanders ad than anything the DCCC would ever spend money on.

“To win in November,” Greenberg warned, “Democrats must win an economic argument against the Republicans. And one of the top priorities must be to inform voters that we can help working people with the high cost of living.” His sample ad shows candidates recently poll-tested messaging that resonates most with voters.

You’re a lot more likely to hear this messaging from Bernie than from the Wall Street whores like Sean Patrick Maloney and Hakeem Jeffries who are setting the Democratic Party election messaging agenda. “Corporate profits are high," said Greenberg, playing the role of a candidate, "but hardworking families aren’t seeing an increase in our paychecks. I’m running for Congress and if elected, the first thing I’m going to do is pass a bill that would deliver working people up to $600 a month to help with the rising costs of groceries, gas and housing. And I want today for it by taxing big corporations whose greed is unacceptable. My Republican opponent is an extremist who takes contributions from oil and drug companies and he doesn’t get it. Let’s work together to tackle the high cost of living.”

Watch the video. He goes on to deconstruct the ad's key elements, explaining that the polling found that expanding the child tax credit resonate almost more powerfully than anything else we’ve tested with working class voters under the age of 50. When voters understand that Republicans took the tax credit away, it is one of the most effective attacks… The good news is that Democrats hold or get to a four point lead when they contest the cost of living… [W]e can still make gains if we focus Democrats on making populist economic messages that appeal to working people.” This poll shows similar resilts:

Unfortunately, no one told the Democrats that— or the Democrats refused to listen— when they elected hedge-fund-backed sycophant Sean Patrick Maloney head of the DCCC, who wouldn’t use a populist economic message that could offend the donors who have bankrolled his shady career if his life depended on it, instead of just the Democratic majority in the House.


1 Comment

Oct 20, 2022

the best way for the democraps to have won the midterms would have been to get some useful shit done. they did not. they only printed money and spread some of it out to the people.

so... they were always going to be looking at quite a beating. Dobbs might have made it a little better... but the way they're campaigning... one must conclude that they just don't want to win.

perhaps they feel they've annoyed the money that owns them enough already with some of their campaign rhetoric.

perhaps they fear too much success. I mean if they win a couple of cycles running against trump... and trump goes away... they won't have a single thing to run o…

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