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The Adventures Of Marjorie— Not As Hated By Her Colleagues As Gaetz… But Plenty Hated

Writer: Howie KleinHowie Klein

My old Republican pal in the House, a top staffer, told me that anything Marjorie Traitor Greene touches-- he always giggles when I call her that— almost automatically will have opponents in the Conference. “They hate her; not as much as they hate Gaetz, but if they could contribute to a PAC that could take her out without being exposed, over half would, way over half.” He thought the 8 GOP votes last night— establishment Republicans Cliff Bentz (OR), Ken Buck (CO), John Duarte (CA), Virginia Foxx (NC), Darrell Issa (CA), Tom McClintock (R-CA), Patrick McHenry (NC), Mike Turner (OH)— to derail her Mayorkas impeachment resolution was a setup by leadership. “If the resolution had come from Mark Green, it would have be approved with 100% of the conference voting aye. This failed because of MTG… She doesn’t have Kevin to protect her ass anymore.”

Basically, the Democrats succeeded in tabling Traitor Greene’s resolution by, as she called it, “kicking the can down the road,” referring it to the Homeland Security Committee, which is moving too slowly and too deliberatively for a hothead like her. Mark Green chairs that committee. She accused Mayorkas of “willful admittance of border crossers” and of allowing 10,000,000 “illegals” into the country. Everyone knows both her claims are absurd but— to mollify the base— all but 8 Republicans voted for her crackpot resolution anyway (aware that it wouldn’t pass). Green’s committee has been putting a lawyerly case together against Mayorkas that he plans to complete and hand over to the Judiciary Committee. But Traitor Greene isn’t a lawyer; she’s a cross fit instructor and anabolic steroid user with a damaged brain. She was screaming that yesterday’s interim report from the Republicans on the Homeland Security Committee was just an attempt to slow-walk her impeachment effort. “We have been waiting for regular order for six months, and the committee of jurisdiction in Congress has failed to act. My articles of impeachment sit collecting dust with the others while Americans die every single day.” Traitor Greene’s anguish comes directly from Trump, who is growing increasingly furious that his allies in Congress haven’t impeached anyone yet.

Mayorkas response to Traitor Greene came from a Department of Homeland Security statement last week: “While the House Majority has wasted months trying to score points with baseless attacks, Secretary Mayorkas has been doing his job and working to keep Americans safe. Instead of continuing their reckless impeachment charades and attacks on law enforcement, Congress should work with us to keep our country safe, build on the progress DHS is making, and deliver desperately needed reforms for our broken immigration system that only legislation can fix.” Watch Traitor Greene on the floor yesterday:

Click to hear Marge

Her tweet stream grew increasingly hysterical as the day progressed.And now she has 8 new Republicans on her “enemies list.” This is what she wasted her time doing yesterday:

  • Tonight on the House floor, the Democrats will motion to table (kill) my resolution to IMPEACH Mayorkas. A vote with the Democrats is a vote AGAINST impeachment. It’s time for Mayorkas and the Biden administration to be held accountable for the invasion at our southern border.

  • BREAKING: The Democrats just changed their motion to refer to committee, which will also kill the Mayorkas impeachment. I’ve had articles sitting there for months. Voting with Dems to refer to committee is protecting Mayorkas & voting AGAINST impeachment! All Rs must vote NO!

  • Impeachment articles against Mayorkas have been collecting dust in committee for months. It’s time to move the vote to the House floor, not send it back to committee. To IMPEACH Mayorkas, all Rs must VOTE NO on the Democrats motion to refer to committee.

And she continued today, insinuating that unlike herself, Darrell Issa has no balls. “[W]e all know what Darrell Issa lacks…”

“To the 8 Republicans who voted with Dems to kill the impeachment of Mayorkas: How many more Americans have to die while you claim impeachment has to be done the ‘right way?’ My articles have been rotting in committee and now go back on the shelf. Your excuses are pathetic!

This morning Max Cohen and Mica Soellner reported that after her resolution was rejected, she “seethed that some of her colleagues crossed the aisle to support Democrats on the referral vote” and vowed “political fallout for those members. ‘I can assure you that Republican voters will be extremely angry that they’ve done this,’ Greene said after the vote.”

1 Comment

Nov 15, 2023

If your democraps had the capacity to hit a bull in the butt with a banjo, this sack of shit would still be "teaching" crossfit and blowing guys in the park to make a living.

nobody ever mentions that, though. it's just so much fun to talk about it and campaign against it. a LOT easier than DOING good shit... the way Democrats did between 1933 and 1966... to earn their votes.

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