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Republicans Do Not Hate The Military— But They Do Hate Servicemembers and Their Families

Worst Of All? Former Escort Lauren Boebert (R-CO)

"Make America Safe Again" by Nancy Ohanian

On July 13, 2022, the House passed S 3373, Tm Kaine’s Protecting Our Gold Star Families Education Act, 342-88, every Democrat plus 123 Republicans voting for it. So… all 88 of the nay votes were Republicans, radical, extremist, far right Republicans. The kind who like the military in theory but vote against every benefit for service members ever proposed. This particular bill expands educational support for children of servicemembers who lost their lives in military service, stabilizing and increasing financial aid for dependents of those killed in Iraq or Afghanistan after 9/11 by transferring them from the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant to the Pell Grant program. This move was intended to protect their aid from budget cuts caused by sequestration, ensuring that eligible students could receive the maximum Pell Grant award to help cover the costs of higher education.

Even many extremists voted for it— like Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Matt Rosendale (R-MT), Byron Donalds (R-FL), Diana Harshbarger (R-TN). Other hardcore extremists like Marjorie Traitor Greene (R-GA), MAGA Mike (R-LA), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Clay Higgins (R-LA), Troy Nehls (R-TX), Bob Good (R-VA), Ralph Norman (R-SC), Gym Jordan (R-OH), Andrew Clyde (R-GA), Dan Bishop (R-NC), Chip Roy (R-TX), Tim Burchett (R-TN) voted no. Oh, I forgot one: Ms Beetlejuice. That’s right, gun totin’ former female escort Lauren Boebert voted against the Gold Star Families.

Boebert also voted against Mark Takano’s PACT Act (HR 3967), another bill that passed with bipartisan support. This one was landmark legislation aimed at expanding healthcare and benefits for U.S. veterans who were exposed to toxic substances during their military service. Its primary focus was on addressing the long-term health effects faced by veterans exposed to toxic burn pits, Agent Orange, and other hazardous materials during deployments, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan. Voting against it was one of Boebert’s most shameful votes in Congress

And Trisha Calvarese didn’t forget. She’s the Democrat running for the open red seat in eastern Colorado that Boebert is contesting as well. And she slammed Boebert— video included— for disrespecting the military at their first debate Tuesday. And for other things Boebert screwed up since she got into Congress:

Calvarese: “You voted against care for veterans exposed to cancer-causing toxins and burn pits during war. So we definitely have different priorities because I believe we should take care of our veterans, always.” Calvarese also reminded her that she voted to cut funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs overall. After the debate, Boebert— totally shaken after being taken to task, unable to defend herself— said she will not debate Calvarese again. She’s a coward.

It’s a tough district for a Democrat, even against a Republican as awful as Boebert. In 2020, Trump won there with 58%. The PVI is R+13, the reddest in the state. The partisan lean is R+26. The closest any Democratic presidential candidate has come to winning the district in recent times was 2008 when McCain beat Obama by just one point.


1 Comment

Knockout Zed
Knockout Zed
a day ago

Even though Democrats keep trying this strategy, pointing out hypocrisy is not the way to beat Republicans. Their voters don't really care except when the Republicans are not as punitive towards Black and brown people as they said they'd be in criminal justice matters.

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