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Q-Anon Nut Greg Steube Filed Articles Of Impeachment Against Joe Biden

Writer: Howie KleinHowie Klein

Greg Steube is a Freedom Caucus crank from Sarasota, Florida. We almost lost him last January when he fell off a ladder while cutting tree limbs, puncturing a lung, fracturing his pelvis and tearing neck ligaments. A busy body Amazon driver found him and called 911. Steuben, who got his law degree from the Frederic G. Levin College of Law, has been signing onto the crazy impeachment resolutions by other crackpots— like the ones Marjorie Traitor Greene introduced to impeach Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray.

Coulda, woulda, shoulda

He also voted against certifying the 2020 election and was one of the 21 crackpots to vote against a resolution to give the Congressional Gold Medal to police officers who defended the U.S. Capitol from the insurrectionists on Jan 6, 2021. He’s votes the Kremlin line when it comes to Ukraine and the Q-Anon line on almost everything. During the COVID pandemic he argued that the "deep state" at the FDA was preventing the usage of hydroxychoroquine, an anti-malarial drug, to treat COVID-19. In other words, as crazy and extreme as they come— total MAGAt nutcase.

Last week, Michael Tomasky wrote that "only three things can happen if House Republicans impeach Biden, and from their perspective, all three of them are bad. So naturally I hope to God they’re bananas enough to do it... The first thing that can happen is that Speaker Kevin McCarthy could lose the vote on the House floor... The second thing that can happen is that the House narrowly passes articles of impeachment along strict party lines. In this case, House Republicans will come across to your average voter as rabid. Obsessed. And petty—just doing it because Donald Trump was impeached. It would almost surely cost them their House majority... The third thing is dependent on scenario two—the House passes impeachment and sends articles to the Senate. Then certain Republican senators who are up for reelection, as well as GOP candidates, will have a decision on their hands. Biden will never be convicted, as that requires a two-thirds vote. And there aren’t many states where Democrats have a realistic chance of a pickup. But the conventional wisdom today is that the Republicans will retake the Senate. That depends on them picking off, say, Sherrod Brown in Ohio. His GOP opponent (the leader right now is Secretary of State Frank LaRose) will be under heavy pressure in the primary to support impeachment. Good luck with that in the general. A crazy impeachment, as I’m sure Mitch McConnell well knows, gives the Democrats a fighting shot at holding the Senate... Evidence doesn’t matter. They’ve already made up their minds. As the Queen said, “Sentence first, verdict afterwards.”

And on Friday, he filed articles of impeachment against Biden for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. This is from his press release: “It’s long past time to impeach Joe Biden. He has undermined the integrity of his office, brought disrepute on the Presidency, betrayed his trust as President, and acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice at the expense of America’s citizens. The evidence continues to mount by the day— the Biden Crime Family has personally profited off Joe’s government positions through bribery, threats, and fraud. Joe Biden must not be allowed to continue to sit in the White House, selling out our country.” Is everyone in Sarasota this nuts? They keep electing him.


Jesse Salisbury
Jesse Salisbury
Aug 14, 2023

As we have seen , time and time again. hyperbole and lies give trumpers free and favorable publicity in our "if it bleeds it leads " media. Chaos is given credence by the media , who are more than happy to oblige their divisive rhetoric , as it means higher ratings , easy money and free content for them. its time that WE THE PEOPLE take our airwaves back from these Oligarchs , who are Peddling Propaganda that is dividing and conquering us. they are Domestic Enemies of WE THE PEOPLE. its time they start paying for their crimes against humanity . there must be consequences for their treason and treachery .

Aug 14, 2023
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On the contrary, given the bipartisan nature of the idiotic voting of 'we the people, I consider it an indictment of everyone (who votes) equally.

I disagree about the FCC's jurisdiction. Prior to reagan, the FCC had jurisdiction over all media and could, if it so chose, enforce both doctrines. For the most part, media tended to honor them without being forced. About the time reagan won, some media were pushing back (in the south?)

Today we have all the same broadcast media as well as the shards of print. But we also have online and social. While the FCC would not have responsibility over private postings, it should still have responsibility over sponsored speech and the algorithms used …


Aug 14, 2023

It's kinda funny... most of those charges are true... but were acts committed by the kids. The family has been trading on access to senator/veep/prez joe for decades... whether joe participated is the question.

It's not illegal to tell someone "my daddy is joe biden. I can help your business. wink. wink."

Aug 14, 2023
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wifey too.

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