This is a strong ad for Missouri populist Lucas Kunce. It will let Missouri voters know who he is. It isn't aimed towards Democratic primary voters; it's aimed at Missouri. Although there is a subtle helping hand for Kunce's most desired opponent, scandal-clad sociopath Eric Greitens. After all, it is just standard conservative politicians Hartzler and Schmitt who are standing in the way of a Greitens nomination. But mostly, the ad is meant to drive up Kunce's name recognition and to show voters he is strongly on their side-- which he is.
In general, "politicians" is a very unpopular job category among Americans. Year after year, decade after decade, Gallup reports that politicians as a group are rated very low. Generally only "car salesmen" and "lobbyists" rated lower than politicians as occupations. Popularity is a funny thing in politics. Who becomes popular and with what groups and why? A new poll from YouGov ranks the popularity of 286 American politicians, from the most popular (Obama at 57%) to the least popular, John Kyl at 9%. And then it ranks those same politicians among various demographics. If you're as much of a nerd as I am and enjoy this kind of thing, you're going to have a blast.
I want to look at this from just one perspective today-- millennials, people born between 1981 and 1996. They represent the future-- the near future-- of American politics. Who do they like? Who do they hate? For one thing, they don't like politicians much at all. Only 9 rate at least 40% positive!
And as far as hating? Wow... millennials hate 'em all! Let's look at some important names in politics:
Pat Toomey- 12%
Rob Portman- 14% (just endorsed Jane Timken last week)
Joe Manchin- 14% (hard to believe it could be this high)
Mitch McConnell- 18% (and everyone thought he was the most hated)
Scott Walker- 18%
Lisa Murkowski- 18% (just endorsed Jame Timken today)
Joni Ernst- 18% (just endorsed Jame Timken today)
Jared Kushner- 19%
Mark Warner- 20%
Joe Lieberman- 20%
Dick Cheney- 20%
Steny Hoyer- 21% (House majority leader)
Chris Christie- 21% (wants to run for president)
Robert Menendez- 21% (He's trying to get his son, Robert Jr, a House seat)
Rahm Emanuel- 21% (Biden's worst appointment so far)
Terry McAuliffe- 21% (Democrats should think more deeply about who they nominate for electoral positions)
Newt Gingrich- 21%
Louie Gohmert- 21% (currently polling in last place in the Texas AG race)
Charles Koch- 21% (David Koch is at 24%; which of them is still alive?)
Darrell Issa- 22% (maybe he'll be boosted by his CPAC speech this week; maybe not)
Charlie Crist- 23% (people finding out he's a Blue Dog in time for his gubernatorial run?)
Andrew Cuomo- 23% (a base for a reentry into politics?)
Sarah Palin- 23% (Typhoid Mary of the Upper East Side)
Gabby Giffords- 23% (oops)
Hakeem Jeffries- 24% (the Dems' worst idea for a new Speaker)
Claire McCaskill- 24% (every time she goes on MSNBC, the network loses ratings points)
Susan Collins- 24% (every time she goes on CNN, the network loses ratings points)
Dianne Feinstein- 24% (zombies, still popular among millennials)
Joe Manchin- 25% (the kids hate him, but not as much as everyone else does)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz- 26% (how the hell does anyone even remember her?)
Tom Cotton- 26% (GOP presidential timber)
Nikki Haley- 26% (see above)
Kevin McCarthy- 27% (Speaker in waiting?)
Lindsey Graham- 27% (What happens when he's outed?)
Rand Paul- 27% (as hated as Kevin McCarthy and Lindsey Graham)
Mitt Romney- 28%
Gavin Newsom- 30%
Andrew Yang- 30%
Señor Trumpanzee himself- 31%
Mike Pence and Mayo Pete- 32% (lol)
Ted Cruz- 34% (less hated than Trump)
Nancy Pelosi- 35% (less hated than Trump)
Bill Clinton- 38% (less hated than Trump)
Ilhan Omar- 38% (less hated than Trump)
Marco Rubio- 38% (less hated than Trump)
Al Gore- 38% (less hated than Trump)
Maxine Waters- 39% (much less hated than Trump)
Manchin is mentioned twice on the list. Do we add the two numbers together or subtract them?
This crapper guy comment puts the blame only on Democrats. He doesn't mention Republicans. How telling. No Bushes or Cheney this time. Even more telling about crapper's motive- he never seems to place blame on Trump for anything.
Dccrap head guy fecalating here again
if the group that is the "near future of american politics" love obamanation, they are either too lazy to learn anything at all about pols or too fucking stupid... or both, of course. So... not encouraging for the "near future".
ditto $hillbillary and biden, neither of whom have earned such love.
The crisis in Ukraine should shine a light on obamanation's provocative furrin policy that created this "opportunity" for putin. There is so little journalism out there, but you can still find it (by Zeusse, for instance). wrt Ukraine and russia, obamanation was pure evil.
It really doesn't matter much that they hate somewhat properly (assuming your numbers reflect low approvals rather than actual hate... not clear). Misplaced love stil…