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One Conspiracy Theory I Never Doubted: Trump Had Jeffrey Epstein Murdered In His Jail Cell

Writer's picture: Howie KleinHowie Klein

The Trumpster— MAGA's Friendless Man Incapable Of Kindness

On August 10, 2019 pederast, elite pimp, billionaire and Israeli operative Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his cell (6:30 AM)— the second time Trump attempted to have him killed after his arrest, the first on July 23, likely at the hands of cellmate, NYC cop Nicholas Tartaglione, who was awaiting trial for four counts of murder.


The day before the successful murder, his next cellmate, not Tartaglione, was removed and on the night of the murder, the two cameras in front of his cell were disabled and the two guards who were supposed to check on him every 30 minutes, stopped checking on him. Attorney General William Barr— who had likely given the orders to have him strangled— declared it a suicide before an investigation had taken place.

Among his hundreds of clients were not just Señor Trumpanzee but Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Mohammed bin Salman, Steve Bannon, David Koch, Jeff Bezos, Tony Blair, Michael Jackson, John Kerry, Andrew Cuomo, Richard Branson, Tom Barrack, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Woody Allen, Harvey Weinstein, Rupert Murdoch, Bill Richardson, George Stephanopoulos, Michael Bloomberg… anyone who Israel's Mossad wanted any leverage over. Epstein taped everything these men did with the children he supplied them.


Epstein was in the news again over the weekend, as author, Michael Wolff, who was in discussion about an Epstein biography at the time, released around 100 hours of audio tapes of Epstein talking about… well, many things but lots about the man he described as his “closest friend,” Señor Donald J Trumpanzee.

Hugh Dougherty reported Epstein claimed intimate knowledge of Trump’s proclivity for sex, including cuckolding his best friends. “The convicted pedophile even boasted of his closeness to Trump and his now-wife Melania [then a prostitute] by claiming, ‘the first time he slept with her was on my plane,’ which was dubbed the Lolita Express… The tapes also offer unusual insight into the friendship of two wealthy, powerful men who frequently went out on the town together, prowling for women in New York and Atlantic City.”

Epstein painted a complicated portrait of Trump. He called him “charming,” and “always fun,” capable of extraordinary salesmanship, and suggested he was personally in favor of Trump’s policies on “the transgender stuff.” But he alleged Trump was a serial cheat in his marriages and loved to “fuck the wives of his best friends.”
He also claimed that while Trump has friends, he was at heart a friendless man incapable of kindness. And he alleged that Trump had had scalp reduction surgery for baldness and called himself “The Trumpster.”
… Wolff, a veteran journalist and author who was also the biographer of Rupert Murdoch, has long attracted praise and bromides. When Fire & Fury was published in January 2018, Trump tried to stop it with a failed cease and desist order, then threatened to sue. No case ever materialized, and it sold 5 million copies worldwide. Wolff… wrote two more books on Trump after Fire and Fury, and about Epstein in 2021’s Too Famous.
Wolff says he has up to 100 hours of recordings of interviews with Epstein, including from using him as a source for Fire and Fury, and from years of meetings when the disgraced financier appeared to want Wolff to write a biography of him. Wolff said he decided to release parts of the archive after a new accuser, a former Miss Switzerland, alleged last week that Trump had groped her in 1992.
The new recording offers extraordinary insights into Epstein, who in 2017 was shuttling freely on his two private jets between his Manhattan townhouse, his Palm Beach, Florida, estate and Little St. James, a private island in the Virgin Islands.
Epstein had been convicted in 2008 in Florida of procuring a child for prostitution and soliciting a prostitute in a plea deal that allowed him to escape prosecution for victimizing multiple underage girls, in return for an 18-month sentence. He spent the years after his release associating with billionaires— including Leon Black, the co-founder of Apollo Global Management who paid him more than $150 million for financial advice, and Microsoft founder Bill Gates— and dining behind closed doors with members of the financial and political elite.
In July 2019, however, he was arrested by the FBI and charged with child sex trafficking. Six weeks later Epstein’s body was found hanging in his prison cell; authorities said he had died by suicide.
… Trump’s long friendship with Epstein, which spanned the late 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s has been well documented. In the 1990s, the two publicly partied at Mar-a-Lago and went to a Victoria’s Secret Angels show together. In 2002, Trump told New York magazine of Epstein, “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Epstein’s infamous leaked address books had Trump’s own phone number as well as Melania’s, while Trump’s name appeared seven times in the passenger logs of Epstein’s planes. (The books and logs also included princes, politicians and potentates such as Bill Clinton, former British prime minister Tony Blair, former Israeli PM Ehud Barak, Prince Andrew and celebrities and billionaires including Mick Jagger and Les Wexner.)
In 2022 Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s former girlfriend who procured him underage girls, would be sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for the sex trafficking of minors. Upon hearing of her arrest in 2020, Trump, then president, said he wished her well. “Her friend or boyfriend was either killed or committed suicide in jail. Yeah, I wish her well… Good luck.”
In 2004, Epstein and Trump fell out when they both tried to buy a Palm Beach estate, Maison de L’Amitié, out of bankruptcy. The next year, the FBI began investigating Epstein for child sex trafficking.
In 2019, on the day after Epstein’s arrest, Trump said in the Oval Office, “I was not a fan of his, that I can tell you,” and that they had not been friends for 15 years. He said it “did not much matter” what the fall-out had been over. This September, asked about Epstein by the tech podcaster Lex Fridman, Trump said: “He was a good salesman. He was a hailing, hearty type of guy. He had some nice assets that he’d throw around like islands, but a lot of big people went to that island. But fortunately, I was not one of them.”
However, the financier’s version of their relationship has never been heard until now.
He offers a portrait of Trump womanizing, yelling at staff and living a basically friendless life with only his daughter Ivanka, his secretary and his bodyguard truly loyal to him.
Trump, he said, was almost “functionally illiterate” but did read the Page Six gossip column in the New York Post. He was “incapable” of reading a balance sheet, and any “act of kindness” would have been an accident, Epstein said.

But it is Epstein’s description of Trump’s conduct toward women which is likely to attract most attention, given the pair’s long friendship, and the 28 women who have made accusations against the former president of sexual misconduct (all of which he denies). Many of the attacks are alleged to have occurred when he and Epstein were friends.
On the tape Epstein can be heard saying, “He’s a horrible human being. He does nasty things to his best friends, best friends’ wives, anyone who he first tries to gain their trust and uses it to do bad things to them.”
On one occasion, Epstein alleged, Trump took a woman to what he called “the Egyptian Room” in an Atlantic City casino. Epstein alleged, “He came out afterward and said, ‘It was great, it was great. The only thing I really like to do is fuck the wives of my best friends. That is just the best.’”
He alleged that he and Trump would pick up women by combining to split them from their male companions. “We always used to go to Atlantic City to try to find girls in the casino,” he said. “And if there was a guy, I would say, ‘I’m here to invite the guy to go out to dinner.’ And he’d say, [to the woman], ‘Let me show you the casino.’ And as he walked out, he put his arm around the girl’s shoulder, and the bodyguard would walk up and Donald, whoosh, take the girl away.”
Epstein also alleged that Trump had an elaborate scheme to procure sex with his friends’ wives. He would call the men into his Trump Tower office to ask them about their sex lives and offer them sex with beauty pageant contestants, the pedophile said. He would do this while the wives were— unknown to their husbands— listening on speakerphone, so that he could then seduce the wives on the basis their husbands had betrayed them, Epstein claimed.
Epstein can be heard acting out what he alleged was Trump’s elaborate seduction technique to Wolff, using Wolff’s name and that of his wife, Victoria, to demonstrate it. Epstein said, “And he’d say, ‘What’s it like to do that?… Do you like having sex with your wife? How often do you have sex with her?’” Epstein claimed Trump would also say, “You must have had a better fuck than your wife, tell me about it.”
Then, the pedophile alleged, Trump would say, “We can, you and I can go upstairs or tomorrow, come over, there’s this girl’s coming in from Los Angeles, part of the, whatever Hawaiian Tropic contest, so come over, we can have a great time. I promise you, Michael, you know, it’s just me and you, we can have a great time.” Epstein added, “The whole time, your Victoria’s with us on the phone.” Then he would use the wives’ anger to seduce them, he claimed.
The Epstein tape includes an allegation— which is impossible to verify— that Trump had an affair with a politician while in the White House. Epstein offered no proof or sourcing for the claim. He also alleged that Trump cheated on both his first wife Ivana and second wife Marla Maples with “a Black girl.” At one section, Epstein used a Yiddish racial slur to refer to Black women and alleged Trump boasted to him, “I’m fucking all these Black women.”
The tape mixes sexual allegations with other aspects of Trump’s life. Early in the recording Epstein is heard to say, “You probably know he had a scalp reduction. He’s getting the same male pattern baldness that we all have. He had his scalp reduced. It’s hysterical.” Trump has long refused to release full medical records while his White House medical reports did not disclose any prior surgeries.
And Epstein offers his eyewitness account of Trump Tower and Trump’s office where, he said, Trump had “fake honors” on the wall. Trump, he claimed, would yell at his personal assistant Rhona Graff, “who’s a loyal, perfect, secretary,” as well as Matthew Calamari Snr., his bodyguard, and Michael Cohen, his attorney who is now an enemy. Epstein compared Trump to “an emotionally challenged 9-year-old,” and said, “He screams and yells at Rhona more than anybody else. His screaming is how he treats people. He has a tantrum, not a temper. If you don’t understand him, it’s frightening. Once you understand him, it’s sort of silly.”
Epstein also told Wolff he had positive things to say about Trump. “He’s charming. In a devious way, he’s charming,” he said. “To some extent it’s a typical tragedy where he believes his own bullshit. He has delusions of grandiosity, then he takes it on board.” He added that he had a “self-deprecating nature” and was “not vulgar.”
“He’s funny,” Epstein said. “Self-awareness means you’re self-aware. He’s aware of that person, Donald Trump. He talks about The Trump, The Trumpster. ‘Trump’s getting laid.’”
Despite Epstein speaking of his “Democratic friends,” he offered praise for some aspects of Trump’s time in office, and said, “I think he’s doing a pretty good job at certain things and he’s not getting credit for it. All the transgender stuff, the bathroom stuff, giving police back their weapons.”
… Startlingly for a man who became one of the world’s most notorious sex offenders, Epstein on the tapes offers a damning judgment of Trump, telling Wolff, “The moral compass just does not exist.”

Moral compass or not, A.B. Stoddard speculated over the weekend that Señor T thinks America wants his perversions. Cuckolding, pedophilia, rape, “measles, misinformation, a ‘vigorous spanking’ of misogyny— whether women like it or not— a violent nine-gun fantasy for political enemies, crudeness, petty insults, and cronyism. Pick your perversion, America. His final hours of campaigning show Donald Trump is betting enough of us want this... He says something vile. He titillates his supporters with viscerally violent imagery. And then he watches as privately shocked Republicans run to cameras to explain that this was, in fact, perfectly normal. He wants to be the center of attention. He wants to shock. He believes this will endear him to voters who can’t stand the status quo.” 

Stoddard wrote that “While there is much debate around whether Trump is experiencing cognitive decline and has become disinhibited, we should be clear about what’s happening down the home stretch of the campaign: These are choices Trump is making. He knows how to behave well enough when he wants to and he has chosen not to. He is behaving this way because he feels he can, because he believes it works, because it has worked. Trump is more popular having tried to steal an election and having incited an insurrection. With two impeachments, thirty-four felony convictions, and four criminal indictments, Trump’s approval has grown, and he has new converts among the young and nonwhite, union members, and Jewish Americans.”

At a MAGA rally in Lititz, PA yesterday, he told his goons that “he ‘shouldn’t have left’ the White House at the end of his term… where he vented angrily about a spate of new public polls showing him losing ground to Vice President Kamala Harris and joked about reporters being shot at… He praised himself for ditching his prepared remarks, saying it meant the ‘truth’ could come out… [H]e trusts that voters want him, and all his grievance and vengeance, corruption and lies— that they are not asking for a competent government that can respond to crises or solve problems.  Trump hasn’t even tried pretending that he cares about that. He doesn’t seem interested in what Elon Musk will do as secretary of efficiency or what Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants to do to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Trump needs Elon’s money for his campaign and he needed Kennedy’s endorsement to draw in some Democratic and oddball votes. Musk spreads election lies on Twitter and will be invited into Trump’s administration— even though he is one of the government’s largest contractors— to do what he wants and to further his own interests. Kennedy is a conspiracy theorist who rejects vaccines but has been invited to manage health policy in agencies across the government. Trump has said RFK can go ‘wild’ and pledged to let him manage ‘women’s health.’ Voters know Trump doesn’t give two shits about health or spending reductions.”

“Trumpologists,” continued Stoddard, “have spent nine years analyzing and debating different theories of Trump’s superpowers— the reptilian brain, the ability to lie so openly as his supporters enjoy being in on it, how the Big Lie convinced millions of Americans that coordinated nefarious forces control just one election (and only at the top of the ticket) instead of what they had always seen, that their neighbors operate thousands of decentralized elections, county by county. Republican strategist Alex Castellanos wrote in 2018:

Trump is a predator. When something enters his world, he either eats it, kills it or mates with it. That is all his predatory instincts can do. The president’s primitive nature is the root of his narcissism. Trump’s immediate and voracious appetites allow no concern for others or understanding of tomorrow. He reacts instinctively, not emotionally, morally or intellectually. He is insensitive to truth and incapable of discipline or strategy.

“The difference between 2018 and 2024,” Stoddard concluded, “is that those people with the long resumes and Ivy League pedigrees who disciplined Trump in his first term are gone and banished. This third presidential campaign has proven that Trump can no longer be restrained. Trump’s power comes from us. Bit by bit, Americans have absorbed the Trump assault and adapted, as humans do. And nine years after he took our political system hostage, Trump now has faith that, for enough of us, his id is our id; that we can tolerate the spectacle and may even like it. Enough of us must show him, and his party, he is mistaken.”


Nov 04, 2024

The convicted felon will not even manage to get the total number of votes he got in his 2020 loss as he has alienated a good percentage of mainstream Nikki Haley Republicans with a campaign of lies and imagined grievances. Basically, his campaign has not expanded his voting base.


Since the convicted felon's family took over the RNC the MAGAGOP ground game has been nearly non existent while Democratic door knockers and phone bankers and other volunteers and donations have reached new records.

The cult of the MAGAGOP doesn't know it but Bidenomcs has produced the best economy of my lifetime with month after month of great jobs reports, historically low unemployment and NO RECESSION.

Since VPOTUS became the…


Nov 04, 2024

We will see what Americans are made of tomorrow, of course not including all the shenanignas and ousting of votes. I am suspecting and hoping for a blue tsunami. Fingers crossed.

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