I talk to congressional candidates a lot. They’re all very nice to me and most have a decent pitch. Quite a few of them don’t really seem to understand-- or don't want to understand-- the difference between a progressive and a garden variety Democrat. I know that sounds insane, but that’s what I experience constantly. But that isn’t what I experience when I hear from candidates who just are progressive, not putting on a progressive demeanor.
Maebe A. Girl is the progressive community activist running for the L.A. seat Adam Schiff is giving up. She’s been endorsed by Blue America and you can contribute to her campaign here or here or maybe most appropriately today here. Yesterday, she asked her supporters if they think that Medicare For All is viewed by the American public as a “toxic” issue. It’s one of the key planks off the platform she’s running on.
“Last week,” she noted, "journalist and podcaster Ryan Grim sat down with Dmitri Mehlhorn, a tech executive who directed millions of dollars against progressive Democrats in last year’s Congressional primaries. The whole interview was a fascinating read into how these people think they’re ‘saving’ the Democratic party by watering down our principles, but one part that really stood out to me was where Mehlhorn said Medicare for All was ‘politically toxic in a general election.’”
According to recent polling, 55% of American voters support Medicare for All. At least a public option— still politically unattainable due to insurance industry lobbying— has even higher support at 68%.
Other polls show M4A at 69% support, and research shows no effect on Congressional race outcome based on M4A support.
So, I take issue with the billionaire tech CEOs who are trying to tell us what the people want.
Healthcare is a human right, and we want a single-payer system for everybody
I think that anybody— anybody— should be able to walk into a hospital and get their health needs taken care of. That’s not asking for a lot.
Mehlhorn said he was going to stay out of the primaries in 2024 because he thinks the left is “thoroughly beaten down” from last cycle.
We need to prove him wrong by electing an unapologetically progressive, people-first Democrat here in Los Angeles.

All of Maebe’s 15 opponents are to the right of where she is on issues. A few have indicated they will go along with Medicare for All if it comes up. Only Maebe is aggressively campaigning on it. And some are hiding their position or clearly hostile towards it, especially conservatives like Ben Savage, Mike Feuer, Anthony Portantino, Patrick Gipson, Nick Melvoin and Johnny Nalbandian.
Last week, Bernie wrote that “The current healthcare system in the United States is totally broken, dysfunctional and cruel. It is a system which spends twice as much per capita as any other major country, while 85 million Americans are uninsured or underinsured, one out of four Americans cannot afford the cost of the prescription drugs their doctors prescribe, and where over 60,000 die each year because they don’t get to a doctor on time. It is a system in which our life expectancy is lower than almost all other major countries and is actually declining, a system in which working-class and low-income Americans die at least ten years younger than wealthier Americans. It is a system in which some 500,000 people go bankrupt because of medically related debt. It is a system in which large parts of our country are medically underserved, where rural hospitals are being shut down, and where people, even with decent insurance, have to travel hours in order to find a doctor. It is a system in which, in the midst of a major mental health crisis, Americans are unable to find the affordable mental health treatment they need. It is a system where, despite our huge expenditures, we don’t have enough doctors, nurses, dentists, mental health professionals, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals– and where we spend less than half as much of our healthcare dollars on primary care as do most other countries. It is a system in which, while we are desperately in need of more health professionals, young people are graduating medical school, dental school or nursing school, hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt; a system in which Black, Latino and Native American doctors and nurses are grossly underrepresented as medical professionals. It is a system in which healthcare for most Americans remains attached to employment. Incredibly, during the pandemic when millions lost their jobs, they also lost their healthcare. It is a system in which the quality of care you receive in this country is dependent on the generosity of your employer or whether you have a union. Not surprisingly, workers at McDonald’s do not receive the same quality care as executives on Wall Street.”
And, like Maebe, he wrote that it has to change. “The function of a rational and humane healthcare system is to provide quality care for all as a human right. It is not to make tens of billions of dollars every year for the insurance companies and the drug companies. Yes. It is long overdue for us to end the international embarrassment of the United States being the only major country on earth that does not guarantee healthcare to all of our people. Now is the time to finally pass a Medicare for All single-payer program. And that is the legislation that I am introducing in the Senate this week with 14 co-sponsors. In the House there will be over 100 co-sponsors.”
If we elect Maebe to Congress, there will… still be 100 cosponsors, because Adam Schiff is one of the cosponsors and it’s crucial that we don’t elect someone less supportive of Medicare For All that he is. That could happen if one of the heavily funded candidates-- corporately funded (including by the charter school industry)-- slides into Schiff's seat. One of the most progressive disytricts in the country could wind up with a garden variety Democrat... or worse.
The debate over Medicare for All really has nothing to do with healthcare. It has everything to do with the extraordinary greed of the healthcare industry and their desire to maintain a system which makes them huge profits.
While ordinary Americans struggle to pay for healthcare, the seven largest health insurance companies in our country made over $69 billion in profits last year and the top ten pharmaceutical companies made over $112 billion.
The corporate opposition to the desperately needed reforms of our disastrous healthcare system is extraordinary.
Since 1998, the private healthcare industry has spent more than $11.4 billion on lobbying and, over the last 30 years, has spent more than $1.8 billion on campaign contributions to get Congress to do its bidding.
The pharmaceutical industry alone has over 1,800 lobbyists on Capitol Hill– including the former leadership of both political parties.
That’s how business is done in Washington. Well, we intend to change that dynamic. We intend to fight for legislation which ordinary Americans want, not what powerful special interests want.

Our Medicare For All legislation would provide comprehensive healthcare coverage to all without out-of-pocket expenses and, unlike the current system, it would provide full freedom of choice regarding healthcare providers.
No more insurance premiums, no more deductibles, no more co-payments, no more filling out endless forms and fighting with insurance companies.
And comprehensive means the coverage of dental care, vision, hearing aids, prescription drugs and home and community-based care.
Would a Medicare-for-all healthcare system be expensive? Yes. But, while providing comprehensive healthcare for all, it would be significantly LESS expensive than our current dysfunctional system because it would eliminate an enormous amount of the bureaucracy, profiteering, administrative costs and misplaced priorities inherent in our current for-profit system.
Under Medicare for All there would no longer be armies of people billing us, telling us what is covered and what is not covered and hounding us to pay our hospital bills. This simplicity not only substantially reduces administrative costs, but it would make life a lot easier for the American people who would never again have to fight their way through the nightmare of insurance company bureaucracy.
In fact, the congressional budget office has estimated that Medicare for All would save Americans $650 billion a year.
Guaranteeing healthcare to all Americans as a human right would be a transformative moment for our country. It would not only keep people healthier, happier and increase life expectancy, it would be a major step forward in creating a more vibrant democracy. Imagine what it would mean if our government worked for ordinary people and not just powerful corporate interests.
Maebe and Bernie are on the same page-- this page.

I can't comment on Maebe's sincerity on this. But Bernie's insincerity has been obvious and in the public domain since he related these ideas on the campaign trail in 2016, got "Bernie'd" all to shit by his own party, and then responded by betraying/repudiating everything he SAID he believed to support and campaign for the party that ratfucked him AND who clearly stands in opposition to everything he says.
To prove my point, he and they did the same thing again in 2020.
So... it's up to you to believe Bernie's WORDS and reject bernie's deeds.
However, "by their fruits shall ye know them" is salient advice... if you think about it.