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Midnight Meme Of The Day! You Know Trump Has Thought Of It!

Writer: NoahNoah

Your Saturday Cartoon

by Noah

This is the man Republicans say they are voting for, this psychopath. If he gets elected, you can start counting the days until he starts holding his rallies right in Arlington Cemetery. 

Traitor Don giving a thumbs up over the Arlington grave of a United States Marine wasn't even the beginning. As you know, he'd already called our fallen military people "suckers" and "losers." He's also said that avoiding STDs was his personal Vietnam, claimed "bone spurs," and, regarding the idea of serving, said "What's in it for me?" I suppose we're lucky that, rather than a thumbs up, he didn't do one of his patented "Double Handy Dances" on that marine's grave. 

But, back to the Trump Flags: Yeah, you know he's thought of it and you know by now that what he thinks of, he eventually says and eventually does. He has no boundaries at all. If he wins the election... well, let's just say, he's probably already designed and priced out the cost of the flags. They'll sell them on FOX, too, with Jesse Watters and Sean Hannity as pitchmen.


Sep 08, 2024

Thank you , Noah, for another example of what will be because of what has been allowed and left unaddressed by the justice system before.


Sep 07, 2024

The authorities will not be doing anything to hold him accountable for his illegal stunt. He will skate on this, too. He just does whatever he wants, flaunts the law whenever he wants and gives the law the finger and nothing happens. And the New York Times? No big deal.

Sep 07, 2024
Replying to

And... WHY is this so? Certainly, you all are blameless... I mean if YOU could have done something, you would have... amiright? And left to it's own accord, society always gravitates toward justice... someone once said... who has been proved wrong ever since that knee-slapper.

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