By Noah
One of the most concerning and most obvious problems with losers is that, the more we are exposed to them, the more some, if not a ton, of their loser goo has a chance to rub off on the rest of us. It's contagious.
You can even put the biggest losers on TV to give their rambling speeches every night and that loser goo comes right though the screen into your living room like some sort of psychic ghostbusters slime. You can also judge a loser by the loser company it keeps. Case in point: Trump's closest pal Rudy Giuliani who emanates so much loser goo that you can see it dripping down that thing some call a face. But there's also "Ted" Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Brett Kavanaugh, Gym Shower Jordan, Marjorie Traitor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and the rest of the 74,000,000 similar people who voted for Trump and his kind. All of these people have been overeating at the trough of Trump's loser goo. This is a leprosy of the mind.
Stay strong out there. Remember this leprosy affects all of us. We're all affected to varying degrees in various ways. Perhaps since the dawn of time itself.
You know, Noah, that leprosy is big is Florida now. Makes sense. May the force be with you!