by Noah
And a traitor and white supremacist, too! I wonder which aspect of their man they like the best! Can we have a vote on that? C'mon on Iowans! Let us know your priorities! Is rapist #1? Or is it traitor or white supremacist?
Can't you hear them chanting, "One great candidate! Three great attributes!" Very fine people! Also, according to NBC caucus entrance polling, 66% of Iowa republican caucus goers believe that their boy Traitor Don is really the legitimately elected president, not President Joe Biden. Trump says it's 82% but Trump is confused. That number is actually the percentage of Republican caucus goers that agree with The Diaper Don's statements that brown people are "poisoning the blood of America." Kinda makes you wonder if GOP Chairnazi Ronna Romney McDaniel has been handing out free copies of "Mein Kampf" at Iowa gas stations, don't it. And, by the way, surveys indicate that 65% of republicans across the country say that they would be fine with Trump even if he's convicted in more of his trials! Of course, we know republicans consider things like that to be selling points. To them, all of it is.
Meanwhile, consider this: Substantial numbers of Iowa Republicans voted for two other candidates, ie. Flor-i-duh's beloved crackpot governor who built his reputation on being a racist and a homophobe who picked a fight with Mickey Mouse and Pluto, and Nikkki Haley who built her reputation on first being a tea party loon, then a Trump nut, and then made a big deal of no longer flying a Confederate flag from the top or her state's Capitol Building. Instead, she moved it to a lower flagpole in front of the building. Wow! Talk about accomplishments! But, what does all this mean? It means that, while some small percentage of Republicans may fret about their Dear Leader's poll numbers possibly taking a hit if he racks up some more convictions, they've got at least two more Nazi choices in DeSantis and Nikkki 3 Ks, even if neither of them ends up being a rapist.