Sunday Thoughts
by Noah
Of course, Republicans hate the "real" Jesus. Think of the level of hypocrisy involved in their celebration of his birth every year. They make no bones about hating the woke. They like to say that If Jesus ever could and did come back, they'd rejoice in the rapture but in fact, half of them would run like hell and loot everything they could get their paws on while they thought they still had time and the other half would drag him through the streets, beat him bloody, nail him to a cross, and treat his body like a pincushion for spears. That's who they are, a maximum reflection of the rabid faults and failures of our species. That is their nature. Worse, they choose to go with it. And when they claim to say they love Jesus, yes, it's an ultimate expression of the hypocrisy that comes with all that.
And, damn! HE better be white, or maybe orange.
Oh, and by the way, being a Republican is a mental illness. They prove it every day. Just watching the formation of their Dear Leader's second administration makes that clear. And, yeah, it has all been approved, encouraged, emboldened, and endorsed by the votes of the 76,000,000 lunatics, lunatics that walk among us. We've never needed an alien invasion of any kind. They were always already here.