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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Why Not Return The Favor And Shun All Republicans?

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

by Noah

The weekend is just about here! Have a good one. My sympathies if you have to spend even 5 minutes of it in the fetid, insane presence of any of the typical lunatic traitors who live their lives getting their thoughts and marching orders from Vladimir Putin, his troll farms, and his total crackpot assets in Congress and conservative media. Always remember, yes, you can turn your back on Republicans and write them out of your life. They've already done that with you and the whole idea of this country with their votes, and endless wacko conspiracy nonsense. They aren't even pretending to act otherwise anymore. The latest manifestation of Republican mass mental illness is that they've gone 100% over the cliff into an ever-deepening chasm of insanity from which there is no return. 

This week, it's the frenzied escalation of their attacks on a pop singer, as if their swiss cheese brained jihad to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the immigration situation isn't enough. They have dedicated themselves to doing nothing about the immigration problem and they continue to make a sick grandstanding game out of the whole thing. They sabotage the attempts to solve the issue then turn to the cameras and, if they don't have lifts in their shoes, they step up on a soapbox and wail about Secretary Mayorkas, never missing an opportunity to point out the ethnicity of the object of their insane scorn. 

When it comes to the aforementioned pop star, Taylor Swift, they are now telling us that the entire NFL season, every single game was rigged by all those hundreds of football players and coaches, all of whom would have to be in on it, in an effort to get the Kansas City Chiefs into the Super Bowl, where the team will now have been in 4 of the last 5 years, as some sort of Bizarro World endorsement of President Biden that uses the huge popularity of Ms. Swift and her Kansas City Chief boyfriend. They call the whole thing a psyop devised in the Pentagon and masterminded by Joe Biden himself. Then the same people turn around and tell you Biden is feeble minded. Which is it, morons? Wicked genius of the North or feeble-minded old man? Have your lunacy any which way you want it, Repugs, but do the world a bigly favor and shove it up your ass. 

I suppose it was bound to happen. Once you accept the insane proclamations of people like The Diaper Don, Marjorie Traitor Greene, Kellyanne "Alternative Facts" Conway, Nikkki 3Ks and Tucker Tiki Torch Carlson, you have thrown open the door to any and all insanity thrown your way by the likes of FOX, Newsmax, and a whole insane asylum chorus of Conservative radio talk show freaks. Republican mind just sponge this stuff up, eagerly. I've said for years that there's no coming back for these people. They're G-O-N-E. G-O-N-E GONE!!! Republicanism has achieved its logical end status of being a leprosy of the mind. Beware. Don't get too close.

Shun them? Why not? What goes around comes around, right? Maybe the time has come again! Shunning was a common practice in the early 19th century and long before. That's a historical timeframe republicans relate to anyway and it's where they would prefer to live in it so that's where they go. Just ask anyone you have the misfortune to know who thinks people like "Ted" Cruz, Nikkki Haley, Traitor Trump and his master Vladimir Putin are the good guys, very fine people, etc. They don't even need Vlad anymore, but, believe me, they'll keep him in their charred hearts out of loyalty. So, be generous of spirit and shun a Republican today! In the end, you'll be glad you did. Of course, you'll also wish we had some really large insane asylums. 



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