by Noah
If Trump was the Pope, he would have been poisoned by now. Even some of his own kind might have put aside their adoration for the man long enough to do the deed rather than go down in flames with him. That's how it works in more civilized places than Washington.
Of course, if we had the same kind of succession protocol that they have at The Vatican or say, more ancient Rome, we'd then have a bunch of mindless cabinet members, the Vice President, oligarchical filth, $enators, and assorted typical nutballs from the completely misnamed House of Representatives vying for position and, hopefully bumping each other off along the way.
In short, it would be a chaotic free-for-all, a free-for-all that I would like to see held in an authentic pigsty, complete with farm pigs and Washington pigs alike rolling around and slugging it out together in the mud and feces. And make Chuck Schumer the referee, just for laughs as it were. After just a few seconds of flying filth, you wouldn't be able to tell any of them apart at all. I mean can you tell people like Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley from a squealing pig with or without the coating of mud and waste anyway? Just look at those faces! Whatever. What I just described is not so different from what we already have. Alas, Saturday was The Ides Of March but neither scenario happened. Nothing changed, nothing at all.