by Noah
Could you have pitched what's going on in our modern world today to a movie studio or television network 50 years ago? Doubtful, even after the success of The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits. It's more likely that you would have been assessed as some sort of acid casualty, quickly escorted from the premises, and banned for eternity. They would have just deemed your script idea as more than a few bridges too far. Perhaps it's just that they don't want to admit the truth of our existence, or at least spread it? That said, is the above This Modern World cartoon a surreal satire of today's events or is it a case of Tom Tomorrow eavesdropping on very real events?
Hint: The real world lies just under the thin delusional veneer that we as a society create, just as we create our gods as a silly means to explain that which we can't quite grasp.
not quite 50 years ago, but Atwood wrote "Handmaid's Tale" almost 40 years ago. "Soylent Green", "Logan's run"? Even "Star Trek" used a variety of dystopian worlds to good effect.
But it was all supposed to be fiction. given what voters have elected since 1968, anything is possible.
didn't they burn witches?