Sunday Thoughts
by Noah
What does "Evangelical" mean these days? Easy. "Evangelical" is now both a euphemism and a synonym for the following kinds of people: Racist, Misogynist, Homophobe, Hypocrite. In a more general sense, one could say that evangelicals would be happier if they could be teleported back 70 years to 1954 which is something I would be happy to do for them if I could. Of course, they would then start bitching that people back there don't like Russia or totalitarianism as much as they do.
How to separate nazis into the evangelicals and the rest:
all nazis are racist misogynist homophobic islamophobic transphobic stupid puritanical democracy-loathing hypocrites...
The ones who are NOT totally antisemitic are the evangelicals. They believe that they need israel to exist for their other jesus to return and destroy earth save for them and a few friends. They still hate jews, but they're pragmatic about it.