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Midnight Meme Of The Day— What If They Held An Election And Nobody Came?

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

The Goal Of Authoritarian Strongmen Everywhere

by Noah

First things first: We are not just voting for candidates this year, we are voting for a system of government. That goes for up and down the ballots since one party has made it plain that they want the United States of America to switch from a democratic (small d) form of government to an authoritarian dictatorship form of government. It's your choice and it may be your last.

That said, believe it or not, with less than two weeks to go before Election Day, there are still a lot of undecided voters out there, and I mean "out there!" I can understand people wanting a third or fourth choice of candidates. As I've told readers before, I have very often voted for a third party candidate or gone the write-in route but not this time. I'm just not interested in third parties that get support from Russia, maybe nowhere near as much as the party formerly known as the Republican Party, but enough for me to see their not so hidden purpose.

The other choice is to not vote at all and, to that end, I am well aware that, just like all parties have phone banks of people calling incessantly to get us to vote one way or another. Nowadays there are troll computer banks that do the same and there are also a growing number of troll banks also infesting the comment sections of every publication imaginable, large or small, that have a goal of encouraging people not to vote, period. Paul Weyrich, a nihilistic player on the Reagan team in the 1980s dedicated himself to convincing people not to vote, believing that the most fascist-inclined voters would always vote and if the opposition stayed home, all the better and easier for his side. Weyrich always made it clear that he did not want everyone to vote and called those who did victims of "the goo-goo syndrome" or "good government syndrome." The contempt was and still is real, but, although the message might be somewhat cleverly dressed up at times, it so often reminds me of its WW2 counterparts Lord Haw Haw and Tokyo Rose who wanted those of us who were non-authoritarians to simply throw down our arms. One could say that the seeds of this strategy lie in the frustrations we all share. The more childish of us fall for it.

I will also add that a lot of people don't get how latino voters can vote for the nazi element but, one, latino voters should not be stereotyped and, two, several of our billionaire scum that ride around on our streets that we pay for with our taxes, have been financing local radio and TV outlets that are modeled on FOX "News" complete with Spanish speaking facsimiles of the Sean Hannitys and Alex Joneses of the world. They work just as well as FOX "News" in convincing the naive among us to vote their way or no way. This strategy has really taken hold in Florida over the last several election cycles and is expanding to other states and regions. It would be naive to think that the Trump-Ryan tax scam which gave more and more money to the rich while also re-writing the tax code in such a way that the super rich no longer had to pay taxes at all didn't have this strategy as one of their goals. I say that as a disintegrating mental case named Elon Musk is using his purchase of Twitter as little more than a vast Nazi propaganda force. Oh, and at the current rate of expansion of his worth in terms of dollars, he will be the world's first trillionaire in about six years. Happy days.

1 Comment

Oct 24, 2024

Right, Got it crapper. Discourage everyone from voting at all to hasten YOUR Reich. I'd say Noah's third paragraph fits you to a T. Lots of people would like a decent, non-corrupt third party. Yes. And it's obvious Noah is one of those but that is not on offer this year. The choice is D or R and D at least gives us a chance at fighting another day. You are still not fooling most of us. GFY.

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