Your Saturday Cartoon

by Noah
There's a part of me that would love to be on the jury for Traitor Don's current election interference trial but, of course, the fact that, among other things, I write these posts for DownWithTyranny would have precluded that from ever happening and I do realize that I just might be regarded as not being impartial. Oh well, all I can do is get the nuts and bolts details and the exquisitely written commentary from Lawrence O'Donnell every night and that will suffice, but only for now. Obviously, I want and demand satisfaction but I doubt the amount of that that I require will ever be delivered.
In the meantime, all of this reminds me of the trials of another noted New York mobster, John Gotti. Living in New York, I can tell you that the mood during this trial is very much the same as the Gotti trials and, if I remember correctly, he got off the first 2 or 3 times. Yes, there is trepidation and, unless Trump rots to death in prison, the bulk of the totally justifiable anger will never go away. For now, I just wonder how those who are serving the court are bearing up with spending so many hours in the same room with the literal and figurative outright vile stench of Trump and his supporters.
I know that if I were a juror for this trial, I would go home and take three showers and soak in a bathtub full of Pine-Sol and it would not be enough. I can't imagine what the officers of the court who, before this, had thought they'd seen it all can say to themselves. I think and I hope that professional counselors can and will be made available. Everyone who is there in the name of righteous justice is making a mental and physical sacrifice that no one should have to make.
I see more of an OJ trial thing shaping up. All that jury needs is 1 evangelical nazi for a hung jury. What will be the mood if/when he is NOT convicted when, as with OJ, he is soooooo clearly guilty.
And this is only about financial fraud. This is the least of his "trials". The FL trial is your pussy doj at its finest... taking a dive during a political melodrama. GA is not even mentioned any more.
And never forget that for his greatest crimes (insurrection, murder and treason), he remains unindicted. And he won't ever be because you all think democraps are useful. They are not.
without justice in such things, all you have is a shithole…
You said it so well Noah.