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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Was Roger Stone The Original Incubator Of Republican Weirdness?

Or, Was It Nixon Himself?

by Noah

We might never know exactly where Republicans caught WEIRDO-24. Some might think it's a physical virus but, if that was the case, what keeps normal and decent people from coming down with it? No, it's not a virus. Republicanism is what it's always been, a mental illness of the conservative mind. It's not something that escaped from a lab or a wet market. Don't go blaming any poor bats, rats, raccoons or cats, or even dogs, for that matter. 

My own feeling is that what we are seeing from Republicans right now is the end result of the decades of pressures on the Republican mind to constantly come up with more and more nutball conservative statements and positions and jam them into the dark little cesspool of what it means to be a Republican. To do that, Republicans have been trying to top each other in total nuttery for decades and now that cesspool can't contain it all. It's festered, mutated, and metastasized. Eventually, only the weirdest and vilest Republican crap rises to the top now because that's what their voters are addicted to and demand. Now, it's all overflowing so fast that the republicans can't keep any of it hidden. The containment ponds are breached! So, now, they don't even try. The worst of the worst is out there for all to see! And why even try to hide it when you can't and you're so proud of it anyway? Instead, it's pedal to the metal time now and they show their pride in what a normal person would see as evil but they see as wonderful and glorious! Yep! They're out and proud! Freak solidarity time! Hence, The Diaper Don, Sofa King Freaky Vance, Lindsey Graham, Dripping Rudy, Moscow Mitch, Tommy Tubervile, Greg Abbott, "Ted" Cruz, Marjorie Traitor Greene, Alex Jones, Ilsa Ingraham and all the rest preen and parade before the cameras more insanely than ever before! It's a sideshow of perverse wonders! A carny freakshow!

And, speaking of which, it was inevitable that, left unchecked, the weirdness of Richard Nixon and Roger Stone (and don't forget G. Gordon Liddy, Spiro Agnew, and E. Howard Hunt, Pat Buchanan, et. al.) would all lead to what you see below. Forget Trump and Vance. If we still have elections in four years, expect to see FOX-Pravda pushing this guy for president. The GOP will nominate him, too.



Aug 09

Nixon predated Goldwater bwo being Ike's veep. But he wasn't the overt racist then.

Goldwater was a case of the nazi voters flying their freak flags before their time. We should have paid attention.

But LBJ and Democrats did the right thing (the last time they did) and passed CRA and VRA. LBJ lamented, as he signed, that "we have lost the south for a generation" realizing that the Democrat coalition of northern liberals and southern racists would change. It did. White southern Dems became proto-nazis almost overnight. And nixon was the first to openly and enthusiastically court the southern racists.

I still remember, after he was forced to resign over the watergate coverup, Helen Thomas being asked when she…


Aug 07

Yeah. nixon was the first. he committed treason, perhaps causing most of the 50K dead in viet nam by telling the NV delegation in Paris to NOT agree to a cease fire or armistice or anything so that HE, nixon, could campaign as the guy with the "secret plan to end the war".

and the pussy democraps, who knew all this, began their legacy of doing nothing about treason by doing... nothing at all. They let the treason slide and lost an election to fucking nixon!

ditto 1980, 84 (reagan). ditto 1988 (hw). ditto 2004 (cheney/w). ditto the trump admin.

flash forward to now... same pussy party. same letting treason slide. and may very well lose another election to fuck…


Aug 07

Great one Noah. You really sum it up.

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