by Noah
Just look at that damn freak!!! That freak is the idol of 74,000,000 Americans, more specifically the crime and conspiracy worshipping White Nationalist Nazi kind, the kind that think he should be sitting at the big high desk in that courtroom passing sentence on the rest of us.
As far as the book depicted above goes, well, it would be nice if it was real and you could hand it to any Republicans you're foolish enough to keep in your life, but, really, why bother? Do you think they'd read it even if they had the mental faculties to understand it? I don't. It's more likely they'd just add it to the "Great Republican List Of Books To Ban & Burn." Or, maybe they'd just put a few cans of Bud Light on it and let rip with a quick few hundred rounds from one of their AR-15s.
... *IF* they can even read!!
but damn sure, they'll always vote!