by Noah
Well, here we are. It's the eve of the Iowa caucuses and word has it that Iowa Republicans are all brain-rotted, soul-rotted so-called Christian Evangelistas, in other words a hate-filled cult that worships their orange putty-faced false god and, in their state of Trump & FOX bred mass hysteria, will vote for him in droves as they feed on his hate and lunacy. That's certainly how they all present themselves for the cameras and microphones these days. Just look at the depiction of typical Republicans above. That's them and I hardly had to say anything at all, really. That's Iowa now and they have the votes that will prove it as they go snarling to their caucus events. Maybe they should all go on and drive down to Waco this time. Take plenty of matches, kids! Or maybe they should all go to Guyana and drink the grape juice. At least you could say they left the world a better place, if you know what I mean. I bet they all think they're gonna get a posthumous medal from Putin.
The other part of the analogy... nobody at all ever elected a bomb squad to deal with it.
and nobody at all is going to elect a bomb squad still... though they'll provide several jerry cans of gasoline and then campaign against all that fire and smoke.
NOW, the analogy is complete.