Impeached, Convicted & Imprisoned! Same Day Service!

by Noah
See what a nice guy I am? I didn't mention anything about execution. Oh wait, I just did! Sorry, my bad! You know, though, if those who have the power really did believe in the democracy and legal system that the Founding Fathers set forth, that would have happened long ago but, alas, our current politicians are bought and sold by Scumbag Billionaires and CEO Filth more than ever before.
Back on Wednesday, February 5th, Texas Representative Al Green filed impeachment papers on Traitor Trump. The final straw for him was the Trump statement that he would take over Gaza and turn it into some sort of a Trumpland Theme Park after the remaining citizens had been "removed." It's now one month later and the actions of the Trump/Putin/Musk Axis of Evil have only gotten worse, far, far worse, but apparently not worse enough in the eyes of our so-called representatives for any progress on the impeachment front to be made.
You have to start somewhere. Starting at the top could at least set a patriotic example. In the intervening weeks, complicit members of Congress from either party, yes both parties, could have and should have acted but they stubbornly and steadfastly have not. I know the Democrats are in the minority but that in no way should stop them from at least holding their own hearings inside or outside the Capitol Building if only to make a statement or three. Theater does matter! And, yeah, I know the Putin Party will never do the right thing since disloyalty to their oaths and this country runs through their veins. They aren't even holding Town Halls anymore and that's not because they know they are wrong. It's more about them having chosen to move against us by acting as enemy combatants while they live off money the K Street Bribery Squads give to all politicians and also the money and healthcare we provide them with our tax dollars. A small number of them may also be smart enough to be fearful of being dragged out, tarred and feathered, and hung from the nearest lamppost like their role model Mussolini was.
It's gotten so bad the worst traitor this county has ever seen, a man worse than a combination of Lee Harvy Oswald and The Rosenbergs was allowed to come before Congress and speak last night and speak without leaving in handcuffs and ankle chains. As I've always said for the last 60 years, Washington takes care of its own. I think the first time I said that was when the "findings" (buryings) of the Warren Commission cover up were announced.
As the hands down number one threat to America's national security, Trump could have and should have been removed from the White House and deported long ago as we know but even his emphatic sell out to Russia has done nothing to move the needle. There really hasn't been any need for any hearings. Just go to the videotape! Then bang the gavel down. Traitor Don has all too predictably announced a switch of allegiances from NATO to his Moscow handler Vlad Putin but we all knew that was coming, even his GOP comrades and all those who voted for him did. In fact, for them, that was a selling point on election day. The surreal circus of treason in the oval office this past Friday, 2/28, was just the world's most humongous and grotesque red cherry on the top.
