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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Trump's Personal Neverending Quest To Normalize Sexual Assault

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

His Own Definition Of "Freedom"

by Noah

I guess Harvey Weinstein wasn't available for the Attorney General slot but maybe something else will be on offer. He must be on Trump's shortlist for something, no?

So what about Matt Gaetz? Matt Gaetz is gone. He won't be the Attorney General either and he says he won't be returning to Congress. Even though he resigned from the 118th Congress, his Flor-i-duh district did shrug off "the accusations" and elect him to the 119th Congress. He could try to be seated but the poor guy was made to feel unwelcome by his peers if only because he got caught and/or was so brazen about his activities. Despite what any of the usual media hacks may say, Congress wanted Gaetz to go bye-bye not because of any moral outrage but because the actions he is accused of threatened (and, to some extent still do threaten) to expose similar actions by members of both parties. Do you really think the actions of Matt Gaetz or Lauren Boebert giving handjobs and more in a movie theater full of children was the full extent of this shit? Really? Need I remind you that Trump nominated and the $enate recently approved of having Brett Kavanaugh sit on the "Supreme" Court in his black robe despite a mountain of similar evidence about him? Would you love to see a dossier on every $enator who voted for him? I know that little lying freak from Maine named Susan Collins said she wouldn't be voting for Gaetz but that's hardly a statement you can take to the bank. Shssh, keep quiet, like I always say, Washington always protects its own and it looks to me like the GOP pushed Gaetz out just to protect themselves and whatever other Heritage Foundation approved pervs their Dear Leader comes up with. And, please notice how long it took for Republican $enators to even come out and say the nomination of Gaetz was DOA. Reluctant? You bet. That in itself is proof of how they really feel. Oh, and that detailed report on Gaetz's offenses? It's still under wraps. Do you smell a deal? 

In the interest of focus, I'm only talking about recent times here but now watch as Gaetz runs for governor of Flor-i-duh, gets elected by that state of braindead zombies who in turn will rush to line up to kiss his feet and offer their underage daughters up for "internships." Remember that line from Chinatown. "Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown." How 'bout, "Forget it, it's just Flor-i-duh." Or is it East Alabama? Yeah, "it's just East Alabama!" The only thing that will stop Matt Gaetz from becoming governor of Flor-i-duh is if Ghislaine Maxwell runs.

All of this crap is yet another example of Washington at its sickest. It's sooo obvious. Trump's cabinet choices are not just a case of a total demented asshole testing the boundaries of constitutionality or wanting to surround himself with his own kind. You don't get into Trump's circle without being a psycho. Gaetz is gone but what about RFK, Jr. and that conspiracy nut from FOX "News." You know, Pete Hegseth, aka "The Boy With The Nazi tattoos." The silence from the GOP on them is deafening. Who and what is next? We already know that Trump's nomination for AG 2.0, Pam Bondi is another conspiracy weaving Election Denier from the same hellhole as Gaetz where she actually did make it to Attorney General and fixer for Trump, a bleach blonde William Barr. That in itself sets off the air raid sirens at max volume. So what's in her closet, besides a track record as a Trump fluffer, that is?


We should always look below the surface. Lift up the corner of the rug and see what lurks. In any event, Trump has a reason for wanting to push sexual assault even more out into the open so just imagine what's coming in the matter of nominations for cabinet and court positions and White House staffers; a battalion of sex offenders! It's not as if the sexual assault habits of Trump & Co. weren't already endorsed by over 70,000,000 republican voters in 2016 and 2020, now after the 2024 election, he is intent on going further. He wants to completely normalize sexual assault so as to make his actions fall within everyone else's accepted or even approved social norms. It's a blatant brainwashing plan. His nomination of fellow sex offenders is an attempt to very publicly convince us that, if "everybody" does it, it must be acceptable behavior. His sociopathic logic is aimed at convincing even more of us that the guilty verdicts and punishments related to the E. Jean Carroll case and any future similar cases should just just be tossed because, "hey, it's not a big deal," not that that would stop him from trying to pardon himself or buy a judge or install a Federal Prosecutor that'll throw out any such cases that come his way. He's coming at this from all angles.


Keep in mind that Trump is a sick creature that holds rallies where the women wear shirts that say, "Trump Can Grab My Pussy Anytime" and those 70,000,000 voters are cool with it just like, as they showed us on 11/5, they are cool with other things like their man's murderous attempted overthrow of the United States government. So, in his sick anti-social mind, why not just try to make anything he does seem normal to all voters, not just the republican ones? Another example of his striving to normalize his own behavior is his nomination of Tulsi Gabbard, a person who is so obviously a Russian asset that even Russian TV says, "She's working for Russia." Nice to know that Tucker Carlson isn't the only one, right? Who else?


Oh, and there's this. Below is a quote from a current top voice and influencer among Republicans, an assclown future Republican House candidate or worse named Nick Fuetes, Mr. "Your body, my choice" himself. Already elementary school boys around the country are saying it. "Your body, my choice." If that isn't a top Republican Party slogan these days, I don;t know what is.

Women deserve to be mocked, not women who are mothers, married, or Trump supporters...but we are talking about a very pernicious faction of women. They may be the majority. They skew younger, and they are radical shrieking, shrill, whining bitches and they are ruining this country and everybody knows it. They're shrieking about rape. They're shrieking about sexual assault. They hate men. And they'll say they don't hate men but they hate men that are masculine. We know that they are radically leftwing, socialists. They think we can solve crime with education... They think we can solve poverty by fighting climate change, whatever that means. They're begging for more government. They're trying to suffocate little boys and suffocate men. They're preventing marriages. They're preventing child rearing. They're ugly. They're fat, and, like, it just needs to be addressed. And, so yes, it needs to be said.

Yeah, right. How dare any red-blooded American man regard raping women as bad. After reading the above quote, it's easy to say Fuentes is an incel white supremacist guy with some serious issues, layers upon layers of them. Yes, I guess he feels mommy done him wrong but to him, pointing at women and screaming "Childless cat ladies" was and is never going to be enough. The thing is, there's little or no difference between him and the likes of Joe Rogan or Sean Hannity or any of these severely emotionally disturbed Bro Preachers of the media that helped get their glorious orange revenge god of rape and pussy grabbing elected.  



Nov 26, 2024

Guestcrapper, The answer to your dumb question is stated in the post and Noah has covered the Biden-Thomas history several times in the past. So have other writers on this site. You either know that or your memory is disappearing faster than you can know. Noah provides focused writing. I can see where a blowhard with a blunderbuss approach like you will have trouble understanding that.

You have the focus and the lack of intellectual development of a sad five year old with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which may account for much of your compulsion and the personality you display. Focus dude, FOCUS.


Nov 25, 2024

Lots of outrage for TODAY's sex pervs. Why no mention of biden sweeping clarence thomas' history of same under the rug 32 years ago, so's he could taint the supreme court for 3 decades and counting.


Nov 25, 2024

Even the woman being considered for secretary of education (who has zero knowledge or experience, apparently a T requirement) has sex abuse baggage (likely also a requirement on one's resume). Underage "ring boys" working for the WWE, her bailiwick) have been sexually abused - court case is in preogress - and she turned a blind eye, complicit with this behavior. Just like GYM Jordan. Yes, even the women T choses are rah-rah for men's sex abuse.

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