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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Trump's First Sentencing Day Was Almost Here

Writer: NoahNoah

Was Your 15 Seconds Worth It, Donnie? TBD

by Noah

It continues and continues. Tomorrow was originally to be The Diaper Don's Sentencing Day, Part 1. I say Part 1 because, assuming there actually is eventually a sentence for Public Enemy #1, there'll be appeals and further delays and all that no matter when his sentence it's handed down. All built on a foundation of Merrick Garland's initial inaction and up against a corrupt far right wing political organization that calls itself the Supreme Court.

Now the sentencing has been delayed until September. I understand why Judge Merchan granted the request of a delay made by Traitor Don's attorneys. They were doing what attorneys do. They were acting in the service of their client; never mind that defending someone as evil as Trump shows a lack of any semblance of a moral compass. Hell, unless they got something up front, they don't even know if they'll ever see a dime for their hitching up with the biggest traitor in our nation's history. The fact that they would choose to defend Trump either for free or for pay says a ton about them as people. In any event, as much as normal and decent people might not like it, Judge Merchan did do the correct thing. If he had not, the lack of a delay grant would have no doubt been added to the Trump Team's grievance list when appeal time inevitably comes around. How about that two-tiered justice system, eh folks? It's 3 tiers now, with a custom tier designed for just one man.

And that stuff above is just about one trial, his election interference trial. If the other's come to fruition, emphasis if, there will be plenty more of the same. How ironic that, in the America Republicans want, Trump would have been put against a wall and shot long ago, but without a trial, of course, and only if he was on the other side of the political aisle. You think a president like Traitor Don's pen pal Kim Jong-un wouldn't have invited him over to the White House and shot him himself by now if he was a political enemy?


In the meantime, what if Trump flies off to Moscow with Judge Aileen Cannon and whatever copies he's made of our top secret documents? That's unlikely if only because he's probably already passed the info to the Ruskies anyway, or maybe she or Lindsey Graham has. But, if Trump flees and lands in Moscow, he'll be flying out of a window as soon as his buddy Putin has determined that his mind is too far gone to be of any more help. That won't take long. "Sorry Don, your 'Sell By' date has expired so now it's your turn." Splat!!!

Sigh! If only, on the day he announced his candidacy, The Orange Menace To Society had "fallen" down that Trump Tower escalator and landed as a crumpled heap like one of his ex-wives did. Think about it: A Trumpless last 8+ years! There's no shortage of vile humanity willing to take his place out there, but Traitor Trump is the one Republicans and other Nazi types love best. How do we get to that alternate universe where Trump fell and broke his neck, maybe even because of the extra thick lfts in his shoes? No, I'm not talking about how we change this one we're all stuck in. I'm seeing a need for a new kind of travel agent.


Oh well, What would I do in the here and now? He'd have gotten a televised trial that beamed all the gory details into American homes and I'd give him whatever the way too short maximum sentence is and put him in the Jeffrey Epstein Suite at Rikers with Rudy Giuliani and one fast food burger between them per day. Let them fight it out like the rabid dogs they both are. Film at Eleven. 


Jul 10, 2024

hater, bitch all you want. it was about financial fraud to keep his paid dalliances out of the media. It WAS FEC violations. And, as you state, which helps make my point BTW, a NY action, NOT your pussy democrap DOJ.

However, it was decent of you to immediately jump to your russian/bot/whatever delusions that are not only ludicrous on its face, but the favorite misconclusion to draw that satisfies your biases.

You might THINK you landed a shot... but you only continue to prove that the one in this discussion that is wrong is you.

And as such, you being part of the enabling other party, trump's reich will owe a little of its inevitable success on you too.…


Jul 10, 2024

Guestcrapper, Noah is correct in using the term "Election Interference" since that is how the New York case is structured and it is structured according to New York law, not yours or mine. You can call the convictions whatever you want, financial fraud, business fraud, or grand theft auto. Knock yourself out, but the whole point of the case was to show the multiple counts as bricks amounting to Election Interference which makes the case more serious and more appellate proof which is how the jury saw it after the carefully laid out case was presented. Election Interference was the whole point of the 34 counts. It necessarily took ages for Alvin Bragg to methodically organize the case. You can…


Jul 10, 2024

It would be less confusing to characterize his felony convictions as financial fraud. "Election interference" might imply other crimes he's never even been indicted for -- the insurrection, the fraudulent elector schemes and the suborning of fraudulent vote counts.

He owes his inevitable reich in no small part to the pussy merrick garland who has refused to indict him (or anyone) for all of those crimes. And, of course, biden and the party and its voters who all gave that gift to him.

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