All According To Plan!

by Noah
Oh, happy Kremlin!!! In case you missed it over the weekend, the noble run of the Voice Of America since World War Two is over. 80 years. I know this is not as directly life threatening to American lives as Trump and Musk, et. al. cancelling research into cancer treatments and pandemic preparedness or even wanting people to get enough time to batten down the hatches for a Cat-5 hurricane, a F-5 tornado, a tsunami, or even updates on Alaska's rumbling Mt. Spurr, but, long term, when it comes to countering the propaganda of countries non-republicans consider our adversaries, it can make a big difference as to who might be inclined to ally with us normal people. Yeah, I know, USAID has gone bye and a divorce from NATO is underway, so if people named Putin and Xi are your pals, it all fits.
Ironically, there has been very little coverage of this story. Putin and his White House team have not just shut the VOA down but also Radio Free Europe, Radio Free Asia, and other similar operations. All of them provided American entertainment, and, believe it or not, relatively unbiased but narrow in scope news programming, all of which served to help counter the brainwashing attempts emanating from places like Moscow and Beijing. With a wave of his sharpie, Trump has done our adversaries a solid. One can only imagine what will replace them all, if anything, but we won't have to wait long to find out. Perhaps something with Rupert Murdoch in charge? Why not, since FOX "News" is really nothing but The Voice Of Russia already?
The shutting down of the Voice Of America shows us that the Trump-Musk-Putin Troika is more boldly operating right out in the open as every single day goes by. Are ya sick enough of this open treason, yet? The time is rapidly approaching when Trump and Musk will arrange (if they haven't already) to have their Moscow Master come to Washington and address the nation directly from the oval office in a prime time 2 or 3 hour speech to the American public not unlike Trump's recent SOTU speech. It will be carried on FOX/Voice Of Russia, of course, and all that remains to be determined is who will proudly introduce him at the top of the show. Will it be Speaker Johnson, Sean Hannity, or Trump himself? An audience of republican congress members, Supreme Court judges and CEOs will no doubt be there to give him a standing ovation at the rate of one per minute just like they do with Trump every time he opens his mouth. Good times!