by Noah
Do you remember that time someone brought an American Bald Eagle to Traitor Don's Office (See video below) and it went for him? Animals know. They're more intuitive. They know before people do. In fact, most people never pick up on a human's evil or malintentions until it's too late.
By now, or should I say, by six years ago, you should have seen, plain as day, that America's Number One Threat to its national security always goes after those who attack him or reject him in any way. It doesn't even have to be an attack, just a casual word or two, a whisper will suffice. His parents must have been pathetic. Clearly, they were as horrendously incompetent at doing their job as he has been both as a parent and a president. The stories coming out of New York indicate that his youngest known child may be the most frightening of all. No doubt that is something we will witness if daddy gets a second term and young Baron joins Eric, Don Jr. and Ivanka in the oval office.
So anyway, The Orange Jesus Of Republicans has now openly laid out, with the help of the Heritage Foundation's Authoritarian Project 2025, and his cronies in both the political and the media world, his plans for what he wants to do to not just this country (Notice I didn't say his country) but all those who have rejected him. That means America and the idea and ideals of America itself. I've provided a Washington Post link to get you started but there's plenty more you can find at places like the NY Times, Axios, and even Politco. MSNBC has been all over it for 3 weeks, in gory Hitlerian (no exaggeration) detail. The man now known as America's Nazi knows full well that he was fired in November 2020 and he's going for what he always goes for when people reject him. He seeks total revenge and ruination of his perceived enemies. He seeks to destroy them, utterly destroy them, ie. all of us. His voters, you ask? They matter nothing, just collateral damage. It doesn't get any more psychopathic than that.
To review: Traitor Don got fired. He not only refused to leave his office, he summoned a violent red-hatted cop-killing mob and traitorous insiders in a failed effort to retain his position. He stole proprietary secret documents and revealed their information to untold numbers of people. And he wants his old job back to, as he says, "finish the job" and don't think for a very naive second that he will ever leave this time. Project 2025 is designed to assure that.
I suggest listening to this clip with the sound down. It's even more effective.
Based on history, trump could write it all down in a book and give it away to everyone... nobody would ever learn.
Hitler did that ("Mein Kampf") and nobody paid attention. Not german non-nazi political parties. Not other nations, even his neighbors like France and England. Certainly not Neville Chamberlain or any of the French presidents. Absolutely not Stalin.
Nobody in this shithole paid attention to PNAC, and then the dumber than shits elect them.
Trump's dumber than shits worship him as a literal deity. So he could announce his "Soylent Green" solution to world hunger (first up -- blacks, jews and gays) and he'd probably get a bigger turnout.
And, sorry 4barts, your pathetic "choice" (A scholarly look at…
So I suggest on this site to minimize attacking Biden. Period. Full stop. Save it for when he wins - If we are lucky enough. It’s looking dimmer by the day.