by Noah
Like anybody with the requisite number of functioning brain cells, I've been angry, and sad, if not depressed since November. Last week we saw Traitor Trump parade into Congress like he was coming into a WWE arena as some sort of white supremacy savior while spineless Republicans clamoured to shake his hand and pat him on the back. They gave him all those standing ovations. They chanted "USA, USA, USA" like he hadn't sold us out to the highest Scumbag Billionaire bidders. "USA, USA, Russia-USA!!" The actions of Traitor Don and the party that fawns all over him are clownish but threatening to the whole planet.
We see him and we know he should have been locked away in an asylum decades ago. Now, his proper home would be a federal penitentiary. He's a psychopath in a poorly tailored suit with a tie that's too long and big shoulder pads he thinks make him appear bold; same for those ridiculous 3-inch lifts in his shoes. His face is coated in a really bad foundation as if to emphasize his freakishness. Is that deliberate or not? Obviously he's never learned to blend it or hired a competent makeup artist. His picks for his administration should have been expected right then and there. From the bulging domed Nazi Stephen Miller to whatever JD Vance is trying to be, to Steve Bannon, to RFK, Jr. to his chain of moronic press flacs, it's quite a parade of freaks. He can't even hire "the best people" to do his makeup, how's he going to come up with anyone even remotely compos mentis? He's a fraud who picks frauds. He's a liar who picks liars. He's a thief. He's a felon. He's a convicted sexual offender. He is the embodiment, not only of his entire party but of all the hate and division in this country they have achieved over the last several decades. Fuck this guy and all those he rides with. With power tools. Get in line.
Wow Noah. As usual you say it so well. Eloquent! But this truth is so freaking sad and frightening.