And Hardly Anyone In The Media Says A Word

by Noah
One might think, based on evidence, that the media has problems putting sentences together, too, at least the right ones. I wonder how many of them think Hannibal Lecter is real, too. One thing I do know is that if Trump tells them Lecter is real, they'll believe it. When I was in journalism school, I had the best that CBS News, NBC News, and the Washington Post had to offer as my professors and guest lecturers. I even interned for David Brinkley from time to time. I wish I could call him up right now, but I have a damn good idea what he'd say.
Have you noticed that the media hacks don't say anything about Trump's age or his obvious cognitive problems? They sure had a lot to say about the subject when it came to President Biden. Yeah, but not their buddy The Diaper Don. Where's the balance? Hey, they don't even call him the traitor that he is. Anyway, no surprises there. What a bunch of fucking assholes. Accomplices. Even the New York Times says Trump can win on his character. The "Grey Lady" lives in an alternate universe like way, way too many of our media morons. Of course, they do, and they sure had it in for Biden. Looks like that could backfire on them bigly, don't it. Only if we're very lucky and we make our own luck.
And, what about the TeeVee Land? You can forget about today's single digit channels when it comes to the nuts and bolts of politics. Anyone who relies on the old network news channels has no idea what's going on or what's being done about anything. All by design, of course. They don't want you thinking people like Trump and McConnell are traitors. Or, even bad people. Perish the thought. The cable "news" channels? I look in on Corporate News Network and FOX-Pravda more than I'd like but all I see when I see critters like Wolf Blitzer and Sean Hannity are a couple of guys who sit around speaking like monkeys at old typewriters, peeling bananas, and making fart noises. You, too Laura Ingraham!
Yeah, we need a lot of those Silver Alerts! A whole lotta them!!!
A society that self-determines and refuses to weed out the likes of this guy AND enables him on all levels to be electable to become fuhrer?
Silver predicts another 2016 here. All your observations are salient. The one you refuse to see is the one you should have seen 60 years ago. It is why 2016 will be repeated. It is why we'll lose the republic to... THAT!