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Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! Traitor Trump Postpones His Scheduled J-6 Celebration

But Wait, There's More!

by Noah

It seems that the bigly Bedminster gala & celebration of J6 that was scheduled for today has been postponed, for a second time as it turns out. The fundraising for the people Republicans call "hostages" and "political prisoners," along with any awards that were planned will have to wait. A new date after the election is being sought. Will there be pardons handed out if Traitor Trump wins? 

Anyway, instead of his J6 celebration, America's Number One Traitor is going back to Butler, PA  where some idiot took a shot at him just a few weeks ago. And, of course he's using that bloodied face fist in the air photo that so excites Lindsey Graham to promote it. Will the family of the guy who got his head blown off be there? Probably but we'll have to see. I've already received several invitations in my email and, yes, they included the usual entrities for $10 and promises of a good time for all. Making money off another death he's caused? You bet! And I predict that the whole republican crowd there will be wearing ear bandages and greet him with a thumbs up salute. The thumbs up salute may even become the GOP's new Heil Hitler salute. They should paint eyes and a mouth on their thumbs so it looks just like the brainworms in their heads. Don't miss it. Will be wild! And totally psychotic.


And speaking of Psychotics and Sociopaths, here's a little piece of Republican art.



Sep 05, 2024

Other parallels that are never mentioned (because it would paint americans as dumber than shit):

  1. we have been electing governments that practice laissez-faire capitalism that caused the great depression as a religion for over 40 years now and have endured another crash as a result.

  2. In spite of being showed how to recover from and prevent iterations of the depression, we religiously refuse to elect any governments which might employ ANY of those methods.


Sep 05, 2024

Not every day one sees Bonhoeffer quoted here. It's been awhile since I read his work, but he was a very impressive person who deserved a better fate. Perhaps I should re-open one of his works that I still have laying around. He lived in a much more difficult time and place than ours, but there are more parallels to his time and place now than I ever could've imagined.

Sep 05, 2024
Replying to

Parallels due to americans refusing to understand his obvious wisdom. Or ANY wisdom.

"All that is required for evil to flourish is for (all the dumber than shits) to do nothing".

But that's what pussies do, isn't it... nothing.

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