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Midnight Meme Of The Day! TIME Magazine Chooses Sides In The Battle For America

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

TIME Is Now Officially Complicit!!!! 

by Noah

When I first heard the news that TIME Magazine had chosen Traitor Trump as its Person Of The Year, I guess my first question was, "Who the hell puts a picture of a rapist on the cover?" Then it was something along the lines of, "The Zodiac Killer wasn't available?" Well, at least we know where TIME Magazine stands now, if we didn't already. Look, I know that every time TIME Magazine chooses a particularly vile human being as their "Person Of The Year" they justify it like a little boy that's just broken a window. In past years, they've put all sorts of miscreants, murderers, and other sorts of dirtbags on their "Person Of The Year" cover (formerly "Man Of The Year" cover before they discovered women) but, to choose someone who is 1) America's Number One Domestic Terrorist, 2) a traitor who tried to overthrow the government, 3) an adjudicated rapist, and 4) a man who stole from a children's cancer charity... That's a long bridge too far. In the past they've chosen the likes of Vladimir Putin, Nixon (twice!), war criminal Henry Kissinger, and Nikita Khrushchev. This is, believe it or not, the second time TIME has chosen Trump so you might say they've really gone out of their way to promote him now. There were other dubious selections in the past, Hitler being the worst of all but this time, it's like a bunch of corporate scumbags sat in a conference room and looked for that one special person who embodies all of the four characteristics I mentioned in one. Really, if that was their goal, congratulations to them but it wasn't really that hard. Their boy Traitor Don has been raising his hand for a very long time.


Yeah, I know that TIME will probably complain about those of us who are calling them out. I more than expect that at least one of their Idiocracy crew will try to tone down the uproar by saying, "Hey, cut us some slack, we didn't choose Osama bin Laden in 2001 but we could have!" Yeah, bin Laden fits their stated criteria, so why not a man who chose to cause the deaths and maimings of police on 1/6/21, not to mention bring about millions of COVID cases with his psychopathic mishandling of what became ten times the pandemic it could have been limited to.


Another point: Do you actually think the goons at TIME were being level 

headed, even handed, and fair when they made their sick, sociopathic choice? Do you think they didn't have an agenda of promoting their boy? Really? The simple truth is easy to see. It's right there on the cover of their magazine. They chose a picture of their boy which is meant to be flattering. They didn't choose a picture that looks like the Trump we have all grown to know. TIME Magazine's choice was deliberately meant as a PR stunt to promote the most vile man in America if not the world. If TIME had wanted to be honest about their real criteria, not the fraudulent criteria that their choice is solely based on impact, they would have chosen a picture like this:

In other words, the people at TIME are hoping that their boy Traitor Don fully becomes the man he aspires to be, the man who sits on the right in the meme above. They are emboldening him even more than he has already been emboldened. That is who they are supporting. There can be no other reason that isn't 100% bullshit. They don't even have to admit it. It's all there right on the cover. Who would I have chosen? Probably a team of scientists looking for cancer cures, or maybe Volodymyr Zelinsky. He wasn't even on their list of final considerations. Why would he be? They wouldn't want to offend Putin or Trump now, would they.


Dec 18, 2024

Battle? What battle? Your side surrendered without even throwing a punch. They "joined" them rather than fight when slick willie convened his DLC 40+ years ago. just fine with you all.


Dec 18, 2024

I think they shaved at least 50 pounds of flab in that picture.


Dec 17, 2024

A billionaire named Benioff owns it. I'm sure he wants to curry favor with the new reich.

And it prolly sold a lot of mags in the south. in neoliberal america, a win - win.

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