by Noah
In case you haven't heard, congressional members of the Domestic Terror Party are now wearing these AR-15 pins in Congress and laughing about it, even going so far as to joke that wearing the pins is sure to "trigger" "the libruls." Yeah, who knew all these school shootings, store shootings, etc. are so hilarious? It just wasn't enough for the endless parade of Republican psychopaths to tell us some of the shootings are hoaxes. Something in the Republican mind makes them think this is funny. Hilarious! They even do so as one of their most prominent members, Steve Scalise still walks around with shrapnel in his body from the time a nut decided to shoot up a congressional softball game and they also do it after a bunch of their own supporters stormed the Capitol Building trying to hunt down some of their colleagues in order to kill them. What a hilarious day that was! Consider me "triggered!"
There comes a time when us sane folks have to realize that such behavior on the part of total GOP lunatics is not a case of them not heeding wakeup calls. It's a matter of those with Republican minds knowing what the calls are about and embracing the murder and mayhem. These people are so crazy that one has to wonder if they ever were sane, ever, ever at any point in their destructive sicko lives.
The pins have been supplied by pro-terror representative Andrew Clyde (GA) (R-DTP). Previously Rep. Clyde was best known for claiming that his red-hatted white supremacist J-6 friends who attempted a violent overthrow were just engaged in a "normal tourist visit." That's like when FOX "News" starts yapping about shooting victims just being "crisis actors". Yeah, that was all hilarious to Clyde. People were maimed. People died. The GOP's tourist compadres came. They pissed in the corners. They hurled their own shit against the walls. They caused millions of dollars in damage that us taxpayers are paying for. They brought pepper spray and stabbed cops with flagpoles that carried American flags. Hilarious!
And, still no one carts these goons away and puts them where they belong. That's an open invitation for more and worse. Ask YOUR rep why.