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  • Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! The Supreme Court Takes A Trump Sharpie To The Constitution!

Will We Have Anything To Celebrate Next 4th Of July?

by Noah

Chief Justice John Roberts and his co-conspirators have aggressively jump-started Project 2025. If the Nazi lovers on the Court had seen their desires of government overthrow succeed on January 6, 2017, what they did on Monday would simply be a coda. Imagine it as a musical piece with 6 lunatics in black robes joyously laughing and dancing around a bonfire of American flags and copies of the Constitution.


Traitor Trump: I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody... bloodbaths...  assassinate my opponents... I am your retribution... revenge... military tribunal for Liz Cheney... 
Supreme Court: All good with us! Immunity is thine! Proceed oh great and mighty sir!

Remember when conservatives used to falsely claim they didn't like "activist judges?" That was all subterfuge and cover of course. The Roberts Court is a Court gone wild. No court has ever been more activist and more dangerous to the survival of what's left of our democracy. They are further enabling a one man Pearl Harbor who promises bloodbaths, military tribunals, total abortion bans, and assistance to our global adversaries. The Roberts Court has fully displayed its subversive hand. The intentions are clear. They have been bought and paid for by Nazi billionaires with Hitler gardens and astounding gifts. Many of those we will never even know about. Add in the years and years of the obsequiousness of the Democratic Party and you have a perfect "Unified Reich" storm. In the old days, I used to comment on Nixon wanting this but I'm glad he didn't live to see where we are now. It would have made him happy.

There will be no help from our institutions in Washington. We are on our own and only a record turnout of Democratic voters will have a chance at overcoming the position we're in. The Putin style trolls know this and are already doubling down on their efforts to persuade Democratic voters to stay home and not vote or vote for candidates that have no chance in hell to win. It's fascinating to watch and chilling too.


I often wonder where we'd be if, on the evening of J-6, we had heard that Traitor Trump's mob of thugs had succeeded in his goals of hanging his own Vice President and slaughtering Nancy Pelosi, AOC, Chuck Schumer and anyone else they tried so hard to get their hands on. Would that have woken enough people up to where people like those subversives on the Court, in Congress and on certain media outlets are coming from? I'm very reasonably sure that there would be no difference. Police officers died and over 140 other officers were seriously maimed and injured. The perps at the top of the whole escapade, traitors like Clarence and Ginni Thomas, traitors like Mark Meadows, and traitors like those in Congress who gave aid (tours) and comfort, not to mention their spokespeople and operatives like Sean Hannity, Alex Jones, Rudy Giuliani, and the rest, all walk free. Our justice system failed us long ago. Even now, way too few democrats will call a spade a spade. What the Supreme Court did to America on Monday will continue to escalate. Like I said yesterday, there is no cavalry coming from Washington to save the country from the party of Human Misery and Terror. The only cavalry is us turning out in large enough numbers to stop this Republican Nazi tide of treason.   

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