by Noah
Back in the days of another infamous Republican criminal, a weirdo treasonous nutcase named Richard Milhous Nixon, the GOP was all enamoured with the idea that as their Dear Leader of the time very publicly claimed, "If the president does it, it's not illegal." Since Nixon went unpunished, it appears that, at the least, most of our presidents have adhered to that credo to one degree or another and all of Washington is following suit on a grander and more in your face scale than ever before. Right up to the "Supreme" Court where John "Johnny Venmo" Roberts has given carte blanche to the criminal desires of his justices, at least the ones who share his nazi proclivities.
Now this disease has moved to its next even more deadly stage. The actions of Republicans in government and the polls show us that Republicans are not only squarely for their "Oh Great Orange Menace To Society," they're openly getting behind the idea that their beloved Traitor Don is running for president in order to, in his own words (He has the best words, romember.) "finish the job!" In the Republican Mind, that also means if you are running for president, you can't be arrested, prosecuted, sentenced, or anything remotely akin to that. And here we are!
So, dear readers (not so dear ones, too), I've been thinking: Why not have a day where anyone in America, no, not the undocumented folks, or those of any color... Ok, I'll just say it like any Republican would: Why don't we have the kind of day that the above cartoon infers? Why not just pick that one glorious day (Flag Day June 14th?) when any white American, oh, I mean white male American (trying to keep my proposal as Republican as possible) can do any crime their little charred heart wants to, as long as they declare that they are running for president? OK, maybe an exception for the Moms For Liberty crew, as a reward for being so openly nazi, of course. Oh, wait a minute, let me make this perfectly clear as Nixon was prone to say: None of those LGBTQ+ people, Queers as Nixon would say, get to participate, not at least until they undergo Mike Pence's patented Gay Conversion Therapy program.
And just so you know, I, Noah, am not running for anything, unless that is, the job of Lord High Executioner suddenly becomes available.