by Noah
Republicans love their hundred dollar bills. Who doesn't, but Republicans love them above all else and they certainly don't mind how much human misery they have to inflict on others to get them. Hell, for Republicans, that's part of the fun! Just ask monsters like Donald Trump, Paul Ryan, and Moscow Mitch! That's what the Trump/Ryan 2017 Tax Scam was all about. In reality, though, greed at the top of the class system knows no party bounds but if you throw in an extra nice portrait of Ruth Bader Ginsberg... well, that sure brings the full-blown anti-Semitsm that seems to be built right into the Republican lifestyrle to a boil! So, why not write Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and make the request today. Put RBG on the $100. You think Harriet Tubman on the $20 gives Republicans apoplexy, why not both? Make irritating Republicans a New Year Resolution today!
"democraps love their hundred dollar bills. Who doesn't, but democraps love them above all else and they certainly don't mind how much human misery they have to inflict on others to get them."
yes, pelo$i, hoyer, jeffrie$, $cummer and hundreds of others have earned millions of those C-notes on their backs or knees (as the case may be) since slick willie and his DLC first sunk to their knees back in the '80s.
That clarification done, RBG would be excellent on the bill, as would Tubman.
After those 2, Barbara Jordan would be a fine choice also, and besides being a black woman, she was gay. nazi heads would 'splode all over the reich.