by Noah
It's true that Republicans have no sense of irony. They can also simultaneously want to troll us and prove it emphatically. Obviously, Amy Coney Barret is a political hack. The creature sitting alongside her in the picture above couldn't even wait to see Barrett's predecessor buried in the ground before he started ramming her confirmation through the $enate. What Barrett showed us on Sunday was that she aims to be the Lauren Boebert of the Supreme Court. Congratulations Amy, you're well on the way!
perhaps she was speaking ironically... or satirically.
the supreme court has been blatantly politically partisan since they coronated the TX imbecile and his cheney in 2000.
They were somewhat hiding it ever since ROE.
and if she's the boebert of the sc, thomas and kkkavanaugh are competing to be the louis gomert of the sc.
but in a nation where rank stupidity is a virtue... this is what happens.