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Midnight Meme Of The Day! The MAGA Walking Dead

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

by Noah

Your Saturday Cartoon:

Yeah, there we are: The "my president told me to shoot somebody crowd."

Too many brains have been rotted by seriously bad parenting, crap TV, poor schooling, shit-paying subsistence level jobs, diets of fast food, mind-depleting chemicals in the air, lead in the water, the recrutiment efforts of domestic terror leaders, corporate CEOs who hate the idea of ballot drop boxes but hope to put a combo drug and bible tract vending machine on every corner... Oh, and did I mention the addiction to religious idiocy and the belief in multitudes of psychologically unfit politicians and media scumbags that play on the fears of millions?



Sep 11, 2022

ah... hatewatt11 chimes in with pointless LIMBIC hate... making a distinction without a difference just to (try to) nullify my point.

Tell us, oh wise one... which among the list of "afflictions" have your sacred democraps actually, you know, DONE anything about? voters?

And, in addition: "belief in multitudes of psychologically unfit politicians" actually affirms what I keep saying -- that all who vote are dumber than shit. If they were able to spark 2 or more synapses simultaneously, they would never believe in nor vote for any psychologically (to say nothing of emotionally) unfit politicians. But I saved the mention because I figured you'd chime in with something like you did AND I didn't wish to be pedantic (tho…


Sep 11, 2022

crapper, Sociologists who consultant my legal practice call Noah's list "afflictions." Social media is seen as a "tool" for those "afflictions." Therefore Noah was correct in not including it. From reading his posts, I suspect he has a visceral understanding of marketing. He could have included it after punctuating the continuation (...) as an aside but don't think he's about to write a treatise on a cartoon and left it for us to ponder (on purpose). It's not necessary to include it with all the other factors he mentions that precede "social media" usefulness.

Kudos for getting the satire but the points you get for that are eradicated by your missing the irony. That's a limbic response of your own…


Sep 10, 2022

you left out social media which, programmatically (which means on purpose), makes its consumers dumber and more hateful... cuz that's what keeps their eyeballs glued to their screens and makes the sm corporations and their owners richer.

I know it's satire, but that soliloquy *is* an act of introspection and, therefore, cannot occur in the purely limbic-"brained" nazi/maga/qanon 74 million (at least).

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