by Noah
Sunday Thoughts:
Body shaming? You bet! If Mr. God does it, it must be OK, right?
One of our longtime readers sent the above along a few days ago and we immediately decided it was a must use for today. Why not? It's Trump, God, & Guns. Three things that get Republicans deliriously happy, especially when combined. I'm sure that by the time you read this, Florida Republicans and others of their kook brethren will have banned the showing of photos of the original Michwlangelo painting from which the above meme was derived just as the DeSantis Art Police have done with Michelangelo's statue of David. Never was a party so obsessed with the depictions of male genitalia. Hmmm, makes ya wonder, don't it?
Did I promise some body shaming? Well, here goes! It's hard to imagine a Donald Trump with any muscle definition at all but, whatever... artistic license and all that. According to leading experts, or, should I say, "people are saying," the rest of the above is pretty accurate. I actually accidentally walked in on Trump at a New York recording studio one night about 30 years ago and he was just a blobby blondish guy even then sitting on a couch with a blonde bimbo on either side of him, and that was 170 pounds ago for him (25 pounds ago for yours truly). By the way, that was not the first time I was in very, very close proximity to someone who had or would become president. In 1980, I was in a Doubleday book store mere feet away from Richard Nixon, or should I say, only a bodyguard away. Could it be that God is sending me messages and that I'm supposed to take action? Oh damn! Please God, I swear the next time I will hear your voices in my head! Your wish is my command!!!! I will not fail you again!!!!!!!!
I suppose I should add that I'm not much of a believer myself. I happen to think that if there is some kind of big guy in the sky, he (or she, or whatever) is really just some sort of Royal Galactic Emperor Of Sadistic Practical Jokes. Of course, what's even harder for me is imagining a god, any god, that would talk to Trump no matter how many voices in the heads of Republicans tell them it is so. My god would torment Trump hourly by smiting him with bolts of lightning or, better yet, extra sharp throwing stars. Where oh where is that god??!!!??
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