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Midnight Meme Of The Day! The GOP Freaks Came Out In Milwaukee!

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

Would You Wear A Fake Bandage On Your Ear For A Traitor?

by Noah

And they thought wearing a mask made them look stupid even if it would save a life, even their own. What possesses people to behave like what we've seen in the photos and memes that came in from last week's Trump cult convention? But that's it, isn't it. Republicans are possessed. You'd have to be possessed to cheer for such a creature, to vote for such a creature, and over 74,000,000 lost souls are that possessed. Think about what else such a person might do.


Would you go as far into wackyland as a Republican? Well, would ya do what you see here or something along the same lines? Are you enough of a freak to wear an unneeded bandage? Would you wear two? Would you buy a signed one? With or without a pair of gold sneakers? Maybe with a mugshot t-shirt and a small Russian flag? Imagine the coming frenzy when Dear Leader holds an auction for the original first, blood-soaked Trump Save America Ear Bandage™. He's already selling himself as Jesus and selling indulgences! All ya have to do to enter the auction is make a contribution of $47.00. He's already sold pieces of his mugshot suit. Ask yourself what these freaks would do if it was revealed that Dear Leader's ear is fine but that he's suffering from a painful episode of hemorrhoids? We'd be seeing The Great Preparation-H Shortage Of 2024? If he accidentally cuts off a finger, will they do it too? I would like to see them try. No, really, I would really like to see them try!

It would be easy to say the big Nazi convention in Milwaukee, a city Traitor Don himself referred to as "horrible," is over but it isn't over by a long shot and we should never forget that Milwaukee took the money and welcomed in a cult mob of people who have nothing but total contempt for the ideals of America and the very idea of this country. In that sense, they are no different than the Confederacy of the 1860s. No wonder repugs love their Confederate flags so much.


Take another look at these freaks. Do that just to make sure it sinks in. The convention was full of loons who decided to sit there and cheer the third nomination of America's number one terrorist threat for the presidency as if there was nothing odd or amiss about that at all. Let me say it a different way: They nominated a complete traitorous nutcase for president. Only the people on MSNBC (much to the chagrin of their bosses) or much smaller media outlets like Free Speech TV bother to point that out. The tolerance for treason is that bad! You think anyone at the nation's major daily newspapers bothered? CNN or FOX-Pravda? Don't make me puke.


Leave it to the memesters to show us how much of an absolute cult what's left of the Republican Party is. They have purged and purged their ranks over and over again over the years and years until only the bare hateful essence of what it has always meant to be a Republican is left, a hate filled xenophobic cult of freaks, so much so that when their Dear Leader got hit in the right ear by some shattered plexiglass from his right hand side teleprompter, they all started wearing bandages on their right ears just like the object of their worship. Could you make this stuff up? Not likely, but, maybe if you were going to film Idiocracy-Pt. 2. Give it time. The way things are going, the worst is inevitable.


1 Comment

Jul 22, 2024

"They nominated a complete traitorous nutcase for president. Only the people on MSNBC (much to the chagrin of their bosses) or much smaller media outlets like Free Speech TV bother to point that out. The tolerance for treason is that bad!"

The implication is that the tolerance for treason is INFINITE in your party who would supposedly be tasked with enforcing our constitution and republic... but won't. but you elect them anyway. on purpose.

You are taking down the nazis and what passes for media in this shithole... but you take down your own side in doing so. You cannot bitch about trump without the implication that SOMEONE crapped their responsibility -- your democraps.

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