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Writer's pictureHowie Klein

Midnight Meme Of The Day! The GOP! Come For The Treason & Bigotries!

Stay For The Utter Lunacy!

by Noah

Haven't I always said that Washington takes care of its own? Tuesday was a great example of how that works. Moscow Mitch and his $enator-Taitor crew kept him around. They could have dumped him and disqualified him when the Democrats impeached him, but no, they just loved him way too much. Oh, sure, some of them will say otherwise but the proof is in the bottom line of their actions or, should I say lack of actions. Donald Trump is their orange wet dream and always has been. They've always done his bidding; both houses of Congress and the 70,000,000+ voters. It's an American love story, a nightmare brought to you by plenty of corporate cash, Saudie cash, and Russian gangster cash. The Supreme Court declared Traitor Don immune and both AG William Barr and AG Merrick Garland slow-walked every possible move towards accountability that they could think of and now the villainous jokers of our DOJ are orchestrating the disappearance of Trump's heinous crimes when they had every opportunity to make the perpetrator himself disappear. The chickens of chickens coming home to roost and crap all over the place. Two Attorney's General, two different parties. Both traitors to their country and here we are. May history drag both cretins through lakes of human waste for all time. And, who says Washington isn't bipartisan? Just think, if we had three administrations from three different parties, we could be feasting our eyes on three scumbag AGs instead of just two! Believe me, Washington would be accommodating. Oh well, we'll leave that to other countries!


Then there's the voters. For them, I have some nice quotes from H.L. Mencken. I've used Mencken quotes in all or in part several times over the last 50+ years and they were 50 years old when I started using them but they seem even more appropriate right now more than ever!

As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron.

And another. This one fits perfectly with my belief that our species has been devolving at an increasing rate. It's snowballing, folks!


Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.


And another: 

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.

Truer words have never been spoken.



Nov 08, 2024

acute observations of most of the cancerous tumors on both sides of the shithole.

not even a speculation on any possible remedies. are there none?

Nov 08, 2024
Replying to

how about that? on this we agree.

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