The Votes Of 76,000,000 Treason Puppets
by Noah
Of course tonight's meme doesn't mention that Republican voters also voted for cutting the Medicare and Medicaid that all of us (including said voters themselves) are due in order to redistribute the money that would have gone for those benefits by giving it to the billionaires in the form of tax cut welfare. The billionaires then bribe the battalions of DC dirtbag politicians who force the billionaire tax cuts through with "campaign contributions" in return. That's the deal: Nazi politicians hand out tax welfare to billionaires for a cut of the cash in return.* The same goes for the Veterans benefits now getting the ax, but we all know, or should know, by now, that Republicans just consider our military people to be "suckers" and "losers." Combine that with the urge of the Nazis to cut our Social Security and see women bleed to death in parking lots, and you should have more than enough proof of the absolute fact the Republican Party exists to spread as much human misery as possible. As another example, the original bipartisan spending bill that Trump and Musk all but totally killed with their directions to the House last week contained a meaningful amount of money earmarked for child cancer research. What else would you expect from a president-elect who stole money from a children's cancer charity? Hell, the next thing ya know, they'll be calling for an end to vaccines, or something. I can't wait 'til J.D. Vance or Mr. Apartheid run for "election" on a "Smallpox In Every Home" slogan. Catchy, eh?
In fairness, because I'm always fair, at least the Democratic controlled Senate got some of that money for children's cancer research put back in the final bill but only 1 of the 4 children's cancer provisions that fake Christian Speaker Mike Johnson of the human misery party had ripped out. 1 out of 4 back in. That's it. "Suffer the little children," eh, Mike? Along with that, $100,000,000 for disaster aid which will include a year's worth of Farm Bill renewal costs was put back in at President Biden's insistence. Trump is trying to take credit for the latter but not a peep about the former. Meanwhile, the word is that he and President Musk are morosely yapping about not about getting the debt ceiling raised. It's a 100 year old useless mechanism that serves as little more than a phantom negotiating tool anyway. Both parties would love to see it gone and it will be, sooner rather than later. Trump, who all his heinous life has always called himself "the King of Debt," wants it gone because he's always driven up his debts and then "negotiated" them down and paid pennies on the dollar. It's another indication of how psychotic he is. He piled up tremendous debt during his first term and will do it again. Now, he doesn't pay. We do, and he wants the debt ceiling gone in order to raise the debt a few trillion extra dollars to make it a little easier to hand out tax cut largess for billionaires in order to speed them faster up the ladder to trillionaire status. Anyway, the battle on that will resume in March. The government didn't shut down as the psychopaths wanted. The economy didn't crash. There's no dreamed of a big depression at the end of Biden's term and Nazi GOP goons will just have to endure their personal hell of not achieving as many destroyed lives as they would relish.
As for the title of my post, the basic difference between the "gift" that Traitor Don's 76.000,000 voters have given us all and the gift in O. Henry's classic, "The Gift Of The Magi," is that O. Henry's story is a Christmas tale of the love that two people have for each other, whereas the "Gift of the MAGA" can be read either as a Christmas tale of hate for an entire country and its ideals or a tale of the love of of millions of absolute morons for evil in the persons of Putin, Musk, and Trump.
* Here's a thought, I know I've gone here before but I'll just ask again: Dear Democratic Party, how about learning how to properly message about things like this. It's part of a thing called standing up to evil. Whatsamatter? Head too far up Jamie Dimon's butt?
your first panel ALMOST sums it up. Add to it that 74m voted for nothing. at all. words that have no meaning.
Your last paragraph says it. You should expand on it. Except then howie would censor it.
Dear Democratic Party VOTERS, how about learning how to... elect a party that WILL stand up to evil!!!
To summarize: about 150m (62% of eligible voters and 98.5% of all who voted) are dumber than shit. about 92m (38% of eligibles) did not vote for either the evil nazis or the corrupt pussies... and THEY might be the smarter ones.
What a summary Noah. Thanks. How depressing though. Will reality ever sink into the teeny MAGA brains and make them revise their support for fascism? Perhaps starving like they were in the 1930s will bring on a new FDR. Hmmm. Who will that person be? We are waiting.