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  • Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! The Flag All Republican Voters Want

The Proof Is In Their Votes

by Noah

The illustration above is one hell of a powerful image. It's also an indication of how at least some of the French see America even while their own country appears to be surrendering to Nazis again. It appeared on the cover of Liberation, a French publication, the day after a right wing American political organization known as the Supreme Court made Republican dreams come true and handed down their infamous anti-abortion Dobbs decision. I remember that it took me about 5 seconds then to wonder if John Roberts and Moscow Mitch hold stock in a wire hanger company; just my way of saying what I think of those two, I suppose.


I know that some who pointlessly and foolishly apologize for the Republicans they may have the misfortune to know will make excuses and I know those Repugs always look down and say ridiculous things like "I didn't know," etc. but really, they knew and those slugs are probably lower than the ones who come right out and violently tell you they are anti-choice. I'll leave it up to you to decide which kind of Repug deserves more of your respect. Personally, I'm a none of the above kinda guy. The proof of what both kinds deserve is in the bottom line of what they always vote for, not how they got there, and their boy Trump gave it to them. I'll just assume for today that his being a traitor, a racist, and a known sex offender, etc. is just stuff that's viewed by Republican voters as a bonus, although who knows which of those attributes is more highly regarded when they go into the voting booth and choose any of their candidates.

Say, do you think the Alitos have one of these flags? Maybe not. Maybe they just wear the t-shirt version around the house, or maybe Sam wears it under his robe when he goes to work. Just another day in the party of Human Misery and Terror.

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