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Midnight Meme Of The Day! The Evil Of Donald Trump Is Mitch McConnell's Legacy

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

by Noah

Lost in all the coverage of Monday's celebration of oligarchy, authoritarianism, and outright white supremacy and Nazi prominence was the role that one of its most evil architects played in it all coming about. I cannot say it enough. Moscow Mitch can lay down all the cover your ass bullcrap he wants about "not liking" Traitor Trump but, as I always say, it's the actions not the words that count. Never forget that it was Moscow Mitch McConnell, aka Putin's Senator, who prevented the $enate conviction in Trump's first of two impeachment trials that  could have and would have resulted in Trump's removal from office. That action alone enabled Traitor Trump's two subsequent runs for president. McConnell, who should go down as one of the most traitorous figures in American history doubled down on his actions and did the same thing after his "secret" ally got himself impeached the second time. He protected his ally and got him another chance at what was and is their common goal.

McConnell willfully, and no doubt with aide and direction from such key Republican strategists as Elon Musk and Vladimir Putin, brought about the sick, sociopathic inauguration that we witnessed on Monday. Along the way, McConnell smirked his patented smirk at the Constitution and every citizen of this country and the world by creating multiple opportunities for Trump, if not openly aiding his master's violent coup attempt after he lost in 2020. The perfectly named Moscow Mitch even cynically took to the $enate floor after all the violence his actions had brought about and gave an extremely insincere speech of disapproval. The only people fooled by that were the naive idiots who plague us all. Again: Actions, not words. Keep in mind, also, the now rancid so-called Supreme Court and the damage it has done to this country and will continue to do, from rights removal and pushing new ways to make American lives more difficult to granting his favorite president the right to do anything he damn well pleases. There will be nothing positive to say about Moscow Mitch McConnell when he finally does the universe a favor and breathes his last, except maybe the air will be ever so slightly cleaner.  


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