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Midnight Meme Of The Day! The Dark Heart Of Republican Voters

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

You Vote MAGA = You Are MAGA

by Noah

First of all, let's get something straight, it's the MAGA Party not the Republican Party. Saying they are two different things is ridiculous. There is no difference because only the bottom line of that party's actions matter. You can point to the 40 or so ex-cabinet members of Traitor Don's 2016 regime and the assortment of Republicans like the Cheneys, Adam Kinzinger, and Jeff Flake who have endorsed the Kamala Harris/Tim Walz ticket all you want but the "Republicans" who have finally spoken out against their former guy are no longer in government. How easy of them to say it all now. The voters? The polls indicate the election is a tie or damn close to it. "Republican" voters remain adamantly MAGA.

Measured against the 74,000,000 of the nazi-inclined or outright Nazis who voted for Trump and embraced their spiritual leaders Putin and Orban not just once but twice, they are a tiny, tiny percentage of 100 people or less; 100 on one side of the scale, 74,000,000 of their fellow goons who voted for Trump just like the 100 did on the other. Conservatives in this country have repeatedly given a more than ample picture of where they stand. Look no further than their impeachment votes, the border bill they defeated after saying they liked it, and the judges they have inflicted on this country. You vote MAGA, you are MAGA. Period.

Everyone I hang out with and enjoy some level of friendship with is wondering and, in fact is astonished, that current election polling indicates that the election is tied. They can't fathom a reason for that even though the answer is hitting them right in the face. I chalk that up to a lifetime of brainwashing that told them that all people are essentially kind, fair, and good when it comes to how they treat other people. They are in denial about their formerly known as "Republican" neighbors and, even sadder in many cases, family.


Some, including the outgoing President Biden, insist on saying not all Republicans are like the MAGA nuts but the bottom line is that they all vote the same when push comes to shove so just how much difference is there. As I said, the 74,000,000 of them voted for Trump and it looks like they will again. I will be happy to be proven wrong on that one. Those who can't understand how the election appears to be more or less tied just can not bring themselves into acceptance of the disgusting truth about half of those Americans who vote MAGA. When they vote for Trump, and the likes of MTG, Lindsey Graham, "Ted" Cruz, Rick Scott, Josh Hawley, et. al., they are voting for the people who most closely match their personal views.


The truth is this: Half of all Americans who vote, the "Republican" half, have one or more of the characteristics I have listed below and they can, as the cartoon shows, rationalize anything, any form of behavior at all. From my experience, most have all or close to all of the characteristics below no matter how much they, too, may be in denial, which to me adds up to being a Nazi or so close that there is no effectively discernible difference. Those who vote for candidates who push this stuff are either overtly or effectively saying they have no problem with it, which means, of course, that they are the personification of it. They endorse it. They give it their stamp of approval. Here are some, just some, of the main reasons for the tied polling that I offer to those in my circles who are so incredulous.

1. Racism. There is an innate racism in nearly all of those who have, at one time or another, joined the Republican club. That has been true, as you know, at least since Nixon ran for president in 1968. I saw that first hand while growing up in my republican New Jersey hometown. Racists are racists whether they admit it or not. Many of those will say things like, "I'm not racist. I just think 'they' need to know their place." We had a neighbor who would say things like "as long as they are clean." Yeah, they haven't a clue as to the meaning of what they say; yeah, sure. And, hey, don't ya love when they talk about immigrants they resort to the connotation of "Illegals' as opposed to "Undocumented." How to spot a rightwinger of any kind. An undocumented person is still a person. The Nazi-inclined use the word "Illegals" to connote "a thing that should not be" or has no right to be. For a present day example, look no further than the MAGA Party's focus on Hatians in Springfield, Ohio or the whole state of Ohio for that matter. Plus, of course, Pennsylvania where the GOP Grand Wizard Donald T. has been leading his rallies in loud chants of the phrase, "Send them back! Send them back!" Hmmm, I guess they haven't considered what would happen to the quality of their favorite MLB team, let alone what was available at their produce market, but, yeah, how could they. You'd need at least half a brain for that. 

Remember when Republicans used to explain their position on immigration by saying things like, "I have no problem with immigration as long as 'they' come in the right way." Well, all those Haitians in Springfield, Ohio came in totally legally, "the right way," oddly at the invitation of a Republican mayor who will now face banishment from his party. "Republicans" as a massive (w)hole haven't changed their stance one iota. Those who might still call themselves republicans may dislike people that have dark skin, but their hearts tend to be far darker. And, let me just add this one thing: I know people who go to family reunions and holiday dinners that are infested with republicans, yet the same people would never attend a KKK meeting. What the hell is the difference! Yeah, I get it, no sheets and no hoods. How nice that you get to sit across the table and see the face of evil uncovered.

2. Misogyny. Many of those who grew up identifying as republican are part of what I call (as do many others) "The He-Man Woman Haters Club." You can see this in the now MAHA GOP's continuing frenzied conservative attacks on the health issues of women and their choices related to them, including their right to an abortion or even a lie-saving D&C. Also, just like the conservative element pushes so-called "Right To Work" rules (Right To Work For Less), they've now come up with the right to bleed to death in the parking lot outside the local hospital.


"The He-Man Woman Haters Club" is a very sad, drab treehouse whose occupants have doomed themselves to a life of being eternally 9 years old without a chance of the type of maturity that will lead their development beyond being some sort of dumbass permanent fratboy or even a total incel. Congress is full of the former and always has been. The ranks of militias and would-be literal assassins seem to be full of the latter. And yes, they all work in a state of overlapping each other to achieve common goals. Ain't that swell. Two siblings will have the same parents and often be somewhat different but not when it comes to the bottom line. It doesn't take any of us very long to think of pairs of repug types that match the pattern I just outlined. As for the women of the newly named MAGA Party, do you really have to be a man to be a misogynist? Don't make me laugh. As psychologist and author Mary Trump recently said on Jen Psaki's TV show, nearly all the female family models her uncle was exposed to as he was growing up were misogynists. I guess they just wanted to play Russian Roulette with their development as human beings and lost.

3. Homophobia. Are all or nearly all republicans homophobic to one degree or another? Why would any of us think otherwise? Where's the evidence? If it talks and walks like a duck, it's a duck. Some of these ducks belong to a treehouse in the same neighborhood as "The He-Man Woman Haters Club." It's like some sort of prefab home that you get free when you join up as a registered member of the party. Some will say, "I can tolerate people being gay" but the fact that they said what they just said says otherwise. Why the extra step? Some might claim to be ok with gay people but draw the line at anything trans-ish. Damn, they all spend way too much time dwelling on it all. That says a lot, too, of course.


4. Anti-Semitism. Who just said that if he loses, it will be "because of the Jews" and even repeated himself? Then there's the embrace of holocaust denier Darryl Cooper by J.D. Vance and right wing media darling Tucker Carlson. You can take the Nazi out of FOX "News," but you can't take the Nazi out of Carlson. The silence from the party rank and file about this is sickening but not at all shocking. Remember what I said about the town I grew up in? We also had plenty of anit-semitism. I knew because it was often directed at my closest friends. Obviously, nothing has changed. Oh, and remember, I grew up in New Jersey, not the South or Midwest.

5. Being a certified and certifiable traitor. Yeah, put on your red hat, baby, cause we're goin' out today. Sharpen them flagpoles, too! And, don't forget to take a dump on the Capitol floor! That is so damn Grand Ol' Party of you! 

The violent attempted overthrow of the government never happened? Cops died. Hunting for Pelosi? A gallows for Pence? Hey, no problem! "Those weren't traitors, They were tourists. Peaceful tourists! Ancient history!" Coming soon, again and again- "Obama was behind it all!" Teamed up with Antifa and armed with Jewish Space Lasers of course. And backed by "secret cabals!"

6. More tangible miscellaneous stuff: Guns? "Yay! More! More More!" Healthcare? "That's Socialism! Communism! Like libraries!" The Deficit? Sure, lots of Republicans bitch about that. They also don't want you to look up the reality which is that Republican administrations tend to explode the deficit whenever they get their hands on it and democrats are left to try and level it off. Gas prices? Remember when that was all Biden's fault? Now that prices at the pump are going down, way down, not a peep. I guess Republicans' brains are all in a twist. Or, maybe it's the worms. Lots of worms. So many damn worms. Whatever. Evil flourishes in a sick garden of tolerance. 


Oct 03, 2024

Yeah. only skims the surface.

and you all, the "better" ones, are voting for genocide.

That worry meter in the red should be seen in the mirror too. But it isn't.


Oct 03, 2024

Excellent summary Noah. Sad, scary. My worry meter about the election is moving up to the red zone.

Oct 03, 2024
Replying to

You get it 4barts. Plus you have a worry meter just like Noah, I and most Harris/Walz supporters do, too, despite what the peabrain guestcrapper says about us as he works so hard to help republicans discourage us from voting. His whole thing is about voter suppression, except when he's telling himself and everyone else how much smarter he is than the rest of us. What a pathetic jerk he is.

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