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Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! The Conservative Wheel Of Torment

by Noah

It's hard to imagine Trump or anyone from the vast stinking conservative cesspool being satisfied just to torment the people listed on that wheel you can see his mess of a son trying to spin. I have no doubt they're gonna want a bigger wheel! Afterall, in the sicko mind of any Republican, there's always a new group to hate. From the looks of things during my lifetime, they always spend their days looking for new targets and that will only escalate into even more of a frenzy now that they have their beloved Orange Menace To Society/Hitler wannabe entering the White House for a second time.

The idea of Trump having that wheel to spin in the oval office or down at Mar-a-Lardo is a natural considering that the 76,000,000 morons and traitors that voted him in are already cheering him on. What else but a wheel like that would a mutant game show host like Trump have? I do have to say, though, that it's hard to imagine Don Jr. trying to balance himself on a ladder but I'd enjoy seeing him try. It also wouldn't surprise me one bit if the cretin squad that runs FOX came up with another one of their patented single digit IQ reality shows based on the idea of a "Conservative Wheel Of Torment." I can't believe they haven't done that already! With a different judging panel of masked judges every week! Think of the possibilities! Rudy! Tubbervile! Alito! Boebert! It's endless!!!! They'd even bring back Sarah Palin!!

By the way, the cartoon is from the Hamilton Spectator. That's Hamilton, Ontario. Canada. Oh how Trump and his crew will be soiling our reputation around the world! In ways we haven't even seen or thought of yet.


1 Yorum

2 days ago

D jr's nickname in trumpovia is "donnie fuckup". I guess the hamilton expectorator didn't know that.

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