Our Law Schools Are Not Sending Their Best

by Noah
Our law schools have failed terribly, not just with the Bevises and Buttheads that sit on the Supreme Court but with the way too many of the people who put them there. Sadly, that doesn't stop there, not even close. It goes all the way down to us.
The place depicted above is, of course, not the only place the conservatives on the Supreme Court love to pee but my point is made. I suppose I could get out my sharpie and draw an outline of the continental United States plus Hawaii, Alaska, and the territories and label that as the place where our nihilistic pro-Nazi so-called justices love to lift their robes and take a shit but, hey, why would I do that? Well, for one thing, they believe in choice and encourage unfettered access when it comes to sociopathic gun nuts being able to use bump stocks to turn the objects of their fetishism into machine guns capable of instant mass murder, while the same justices deny women their own rights of choice and access. And, they do it as they give us all the finger and disingenuously proclaim that "government should stay out of that."
Our judges are either blatantly incapable of seeing their own hypocrisy or they worship it. The result is the same.
And YOU all avert your eyes as you walk on their graves.
This shit started, in my own memory, in 1966 with the nut in the UT tower. And in the 58 years since, not only have the courts only made it much worse, YOU have refused to elect anyone or any party that would fix it.
Either take real steps to fix this shit or just stop bitching about it.